Thursday 31 December 2015

My New Years Resolutions

        New Years resolutions are usually a thing I avoid making, or at the most I just say that I'm going to try and be a better person. A friend recently told me that I should actually make some this year, and being the easily manipulated person that I am, I have decided to go for it.
       I was told that my resolutions should be actual goals to strive for both professionally and personally. Since I am making myself a public figure, I am posting my resolutions here, for all to see! All twenty of you that read my blog on a regular basis.

I'm just gonna list them, I was going to separate them by category, but too bad:

  1. put more effort and time into my ongoing creative pursuits
    1. that's YouTube, my blogs, and instagram
      1. writing is separate from this
        1. calm down
  2. put more time and effort into my personal writings
    1. that includes my poetry and personal writings (journal entries, rants, facebook status updates)
    2. make my tweets more clever
  3. put more effort into my online branding
    1. again, that would be my blogs, my YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter
  4. find a place to live in Yorkton while working for the film festival
  5. set aside dedicated time for my writing for OutWords magazine
  6. work out more
  7. be more open with the people who matter
  8. care less about the people who don't
  9. be more outspoken on important issues
  10. drive less
  11. spend less
  12. save more
  13. focus on the positives, not the negatives
  14. be a better friend
  15. be a better person (ha! sneaked it in there)
  16. put more time and effort into the writing I'm planning on publishing
    1. memoir, novels, short stories
  17. create better content for YouTube
  18. try and actually do some of this!
There. I actually made some resolutions. Happy, Kiara?

Damn well better be, that was so out of character for me.  

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Your Holiday Letter

     So Christmas is over. I had a good one, I hope all of you did as well. I hope that you all had a lovely time with the people that matter most to you, no matter how you had to spend that time. I know in this day and age, some of the people that matter most are far away and all your time together is digital, and that is okay.
     I spent Christmas at home with my parents and pets, but I also spent it with my friends through the messages we sent each other, and the pictures we shared.
    It was a good day. My parents have finally agreed to watch Star Wars, so over Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we watched up Return of the Jedi.We had our traditional meal of toutiere (which is a French-Canadian dish), and ate foods that are apparently too decadent to exist outside of the holidays.
     Boxing Day was spent in the city with friends, including one who was home for Christmas from teaching abroad. We hung out, went shopping, and watched Mockingjay Part Two. It was a good day, plus I got some killer deals at EB games (which is basically gamestop to Americans).
     This blog is turning into a holiday letter... and by that I mean it's totally a holiday letter. You're welcome.
     2016 is coming up fast, way too fast if I'm completely honest, but I am glad 2015 is coming to a close. 2015 was a weird year.
     Hey! This is super important: if you haven't watched The Force Awakens yet, go do it as soon as you can! I've been to it twice already, and have it enjoyed it both times! Second time was probably a bit better actually, and it has become tied with my second favourite Star Wars film. My current rankings are:

  1. Empire Strikes Back
  2. The Force Awakens/Revenge of the Sith (don't judge, those lightsaber battles are the best)
  3. New Hope
  4. Return of the Jedi
  5. Phantom Menace (Liam Neeson saves it from being the worst)
  6. Attack of the Clones (George buddy, don't ever write romance again. You just can't)
I'm sort of working on a review for TFA, but I'm not planning on posting it anytime soon, just because of spoilers and stuff. But I would give it a solid 8/10. Maybe 8.5.

      I'm not sure how I want to end this...

Thursday 24 December 2015

Love and Acceptance

    It's Christmas Eve. The night before one of the biggest holidays in the Western World. It's a day that is supposed to be filled with love and peace. I really hope tomorrow is filled with all of that. I believe that it can be. I have hope that it will be. But I don't know.
    This year has been messed up. To put it very mildly. We've had mass shootings every single day around the globe. We've seen and experienced massive terror attacks both at home and abroad. Maybe it's foolish and juvenile to believe that tomorrow will be different. Maybe it's even insane, but no matter what is happening in the world, I still hold onto my faith in humanity. I need to.
     I know tomorrow is just a day, that there is nothing intrinsically special about it, it's what we do on it that makes it so special. Many people have fond memories of Christmas morning, of time spent with family in love and acceptance.
     Lets take that feeling of acceptance and spread to everyone. To the people we love, and to the people we don't like. Let us show everyone this acceptance tomorrow. And if we can do that, we can carry it on to the next day, and to the day after that. Our world is in turmoil right now. We have people who have been forced out of their homes coming to us for help, lets welcome them with open arms,
     That's what Christmas is about.
     Don't worry, my Christmas themed posts are almost done!
     Happy Christmas Eve. 

Monday 21 December 2015

Christmas is love

    Alright, it's my last day of work before my Christmas holidays start, and I don't know what to blog about. A friend gave me a great suggestion, but I'm probably going to post it after Christmas. Just because it's so not Christmasy.
     Theme. Got it, What makes Christmas for you guys? Or the whatever holiday you happen to be celebrating this December. For me, it's Christmas, so that's what I call it. I'm not trying to force it on anybody or anything, don't worry! But what makes this time of year so special?
     I don't have a cliched answer for this. I can't say that "seeing the whole family makes it wonderful!" because I don't see the whole family. The last time Christmas was more than just me and my parents was close to twenty years ago. The rest of my family lives 2000 km away, which makes it difficult to plan things. I think what makes Christmas special to me is seeing all of the love when you're out in public. I'm not talking PDA here, just people being decent to one another, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas with a smile on their face. This time of year gives me hope that humanity is inherently good, and that we can make it past all the shit that goes on for the rest of the year.
     This hope for humanity is especially important to me this year. There's been a lot of terrible events in the world these past twelve months, and there has been a lot of negativity in my own life this year as well, and things got bleak for me. Everything started looking better as we rolled our way into December: things started working again in my life, and I saw less hate being spread the closer we got to Christmas. I see love and hope this time of year, and the love and hope that I see every Christmas is what helps me get through the twelve months that follow.
      Far too many have forgotten what Christmas is about, or the meaning of Christmas has just got too bogged down in religion and consumerism, but! Christmas, when you get right down to it, when you scrape away the frost (because winter), is about love. Everything about Christmas's origins (not Saturnalia, it only shares a date with Christmas) stems from love. The love of parents seeing their newborn for the first time, the love of a god giving his people a saviour, and the love of other people coming together to celebrate.
      So please, let us love each other this Christmas. Let us put away our hate and mistrust, and our greed and jealousy, and let us love each other. No matter what you believe, or don't believe, we are all on this planet together, and we are all the same species.
     Peace and love. 

Friday 18 December 2015

Well, this has been a change

    I'm in the process of writing my first professional article right now. I've had stuff published in the past on smaller scales, but all that was stuff I had written for myself. This is the first time that a publication has given me a topic and a deadline. It's exciting and terrifying at the same time. If all of this goes well it literally means my dream of becoming a professional writer will come true!
    This is a new experience for me. I'm going out to find people to interview, and then I'm going to write an article based on their experiences. I'm expecting complete strangers to trust me with the intimate parts of their lives... I'm going out to talk to people with the express purpose of telling other their stories. Some of these people have hid their entire lives, but I'm asking them to trust me. It's mind-boggling. I've always wanted to do this, and I am so excited, but what if I'm not good enough for this? I'm trying to tell the world some important things! What if I falter? What if I don't do their stories justice? What if I fuck up?
    I know I'm a good writer, but I've never really had major things hanging off the results of my writing (university doesn't count). How this article is taken can literally affect my entire future, and where my life leads me.
    It's strange thinking about this. A month ago I was unemployed and completely lost in the seas of my life. Now I'm working at a film festival, and have a magazine wanting to publish my work. A year ago I thought I was going to stuck in my job at a High School. Life's crazy.
     I am so happy right now. I haven't been this happy with my life in a very long time, and I don't want to lose this feeling. That's another thing hanging in the balance.
    I know I can do this, I know I can. But this piece of writing has more riding on it than anything I have ever wrote before. Everything else has been for fun. Has been just because I wanted to write it. I've always had the hope that people will enjoy it, but this is so different.
    This year has thrown a lot of punches my way, especially October and November, but December switched that all up and started giving me opportunities. Started a new job, got a writing opportunity, and have made a bunch of new friends.
    Maybe things are getting better. They're really looking up right now anyways.

Being happy is nice. 

Thursday 17 December 2015

Global Family

     I am so behind on these posts omg. I am so sorry. Honest.
     I do have a topic today, it was inspired by a comment a friend of mine made last weekend. I had a quick phone call from a friend of mine from New Mexico (which I forgot, and said she was Cali (sorry)), and after the call another friend asked me why I talk to people all over the place. It's a valid question, and I'm going to go into it here.
     I have friends all over the globe: US, Norway, UK, South Africa, UAE (mostly in Dubai), Australia, Italy, and scattered over other places in Europe. I talk to most of those people on a daily basis. We're important to each other, and have a role in each other's lives. Can be as simple as just a check-in to deep conversations about life to offering encouragement during the dark and confusing times.
      But that doesn't answer the core part of that question. Why do I have friends in other countries? We live in a world where we can instantly connect with people thousands of kilometers (sorry, miles) away. It is amazing and something that should be taken advantage of! And contrary to what some think, being connected to these people through digital means does not take away from the relationships we have with those geographically close to us. We live in a world filled with opportunities, anything we want to do, to create, we can. But it takes connections, it takes networking. I used to hate that thought. I hated that I had to know people to get things done, but now I see it as something beautiful. Networking and connections don't have to be impersonal. You can be friends with the people in your "network", and when they're your friends they aren't just a network of people anymore. You've made your network something more. You've made it into a family that wants to help you, instead of just a list of people you can try to ask for things.
      In the past to be successful you had to be well-liked and respected (or feared if you're a dick) in a certain radius, but now you can successful all-over the globe, and have your next door neighbour not even know your name. We live in this strange paradigm where millions of people know who you are, where you can be a household name in Europe, but in your home country people from the next town over haven't even heard of you.
      This makes it sounds like I talk to all these people out of selfishness, but that's not true. I started talking to all these people for reasons that basically boil down to the fact that I wanted more friends. I didn't want a network, or connections, I wanted a more global family. Everywhere we look these days we see hate. And that makes me so sad, and in my attempt to be a more global citizen I've made friends all over the globe. Could these relationships benefit me in a more businesslike manner in the future? Yes. Is that what they're for? Hell no.
      I guess the basic answer is simply because I want to. I want to have friends in other countries. I want a global family.
      And now I have one. And if any of you are reading this, and you should be, I love each and everyone of you. Even if I haven't said it directly. Thank you for your encouragements, and for being there for me. You are all amazing and wonderful people.  

Sunday 13 December 2015


     I am getting so sporadic with these posts... I'm not trying to miss them! Honest, it just happens... I've been getting home so late from work, and I've been so tired that even the thought of writing something puts me straight to sleep. I'm falling so behind! I'm sorry. 
     Maybe I should start posting poetry and short stories on the days I don't have time for original posts... that's probably what they call a good idea. 
     I guess today will just be an update on life? Sure. Why not. I'm enjoying work! It's been fun so far, and I'm getting to do some pretty cool things! The drive is super annoying, and I am still looking into finding a place to stay. But I work this week, and then I'm off for two weeks for Christmas, so there really isn't a point in getting a place there for a week right now, so I will officially start my hunt in the new year! 
     This is so boring, I'm putting myself to sleep. Wow. 
     Go watch my vlogs: 

Thursday 10 December 2015


Light enveloped by the descending dark,
Make treacherous the once sane paths,
The twilight beasts coming hither,
Yearning for a last embrace of sun's loving light,
Steadily on doth the traveller go,
Winding mindfully the myriad miseries,
From each angle could they approach,
Never ceasing, unceasingly eyes darting,

Seemingly the uncommon common everywhere,
Where once was nothing,
Pinpricks of light descend,
Engulfing the darkness. 

Wednesday 9 December 2015

I am a feminist

    Remember when I said that my next blog was going to be an important one, then I didn't even write one? And when I did, it was just an apology? No? None of you remember that? Thank goodness.
     Well, the time has come. This is it. The foretold important one. Usually when I do this, I say something really lame and unimportant after it... maybe I shouldn't be building this up so much.
     I am a feminist. I believe that all humans, man, woman, and everyone else (myself being part of the else, calm down) deserve to and should be treated with equality. I realize that I appear very masculine, and I know I may draw a lot of flak for that reason by talking about this, but it's a chance I'm willing to take.
     Feminism is an important topic and issue, that everyone should be talking about. That being said, it is beyond ridiculous that it is still an issue! As Prime Minister Trudeau said when asked why his cabinet was equal, it's 2015. We shouldn't be worried that people are being paid less just because of their gender, we shouldn't be worried that there's a second class of citizen because of their gender. We live in a civilized world where we can watch our favourite teen dramas online whenever we want, but we can't have equality? Instead we have people arguing that feminism is stupid, that the facts behind inequality are wrong, and we have rampant sexism "mansplaining" things to us lower beings who believe it!
     The mansplainers don't just target women either, they go after the male feminists too! It's like they can't believe that a man could want equality! It's happened to me! I used to think mansplaining was one of those things that happened to other people but would never happen to me. Boy, was I wrong.
     I'm off topic.
     I felt that it was important that I come out as feminist. I'm pretty sure no one thought that I wasn't, but it's much better to actually just straight up say that I am.
    I believe, possibly controversially, that it is very important for males who believe in equality to label themselves as feminist. If we could have every person who believes in equality stand up and declare themselves a feminist, what are the mansplainers going to do? Mansplain to all of us why we're wrong? Actually, they probably would take the time and at least attempt to do just that...
     Equality shouldn't be something that we need to fight for. It's something that should be automatic. More and more people are coming to realize this, but the people against it (wtf people?) are getting more and more vocal. I know there are a lot of males out there who support the movement, but won't come out in vocal support in fear of their peers calling them names and personally attacking them! That's what the enemies of feminism have in their arsenal: name calling. That's extent of their armoury. And they think they have a point! They don't see how backward and damaging their thinking is to the world. The sad thing is, these are the people who are super vocal about the "evils of Islam", and as more ignorant people agree with them on that, they'll start agreeing that feminism is wrong too! They'll start using terms like "feminazi" whenever a woman speaks out, they'll start making the sexist jokes that they've always secretly believed, and we will stay exactly where we are.
     I am feminist. I believe in equality for the entire human race. I've spoken out against racists and Islamophobes, but I haven't publicly spoken out against sexism, and by not doing that I'm enabling them. I don't want to enable them. They are wrong. They need to spoken against. I need to be more outspoken in my stance on feminism. My support needs to be more visible.
      Feminism isn't some evil plot by women to take over the world. It's a fight against an outdated, sexist, racist, and xenophobic system that needs to be torn down. The fact that people take offence to term, shows exactly how much it is still needed in our world.
     I am a feminist. I hope you are too. 

Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Canadian Way

     I missed posting yesterday! I am so sorry! I just had a billion things to do, and I had to fall asleep extra early because I had to be awake extra early. I was on the road at just after 7 this morning. I had been awake for 3 hours before starting work today. I had a plan for yesterday's blog, but I think I will save it for the weekend... I don't want to rush it, so I'm not going to work on it right now, because I'm not sure how long I have...
     I started work with the Film Festival today! It's been pretty good. It's a fairly laid back atmosphere here, and everyone seems to get along fairly well. We hosted a screening today, so my morning had to do with that. This afternoon I went around and talked with a few businesses, then watched two very different documentaries to see which would be the best fit for a museum in Halifax.
     Sidebar: I hate this keyboard.
     I'm excited to be starting work here, less so about the drive. Today wasn't bad because the roads were perfect, and there was no fog or anything, but those conditions probably won't stick around for too long. It is winter in Saskatchewan after all. -40 has to show up eventually...
      I think this will probably be it for today. Just a quick update and an apology. The Canadian Way. 

Sunday 6 December 2015

More than a Sexuality

     I've come to the realization that my blog views are wildly inconsistent. Like, all over the board. From several hundred in a short time, to maybe a dozen over a week. That's so crazy. I'm writing all of them, I try and put the same amount of effort into them, but still the inconsistency.
     I blame it on the communists. 
     I'm kidding Russia! I don't blame you!
    The posts with the most views are always my ones about asexuality, which I am so happy about! I've written posts on it that have been read by thousands of people! That's my goal! Get the word out there, show the world we exist. At the same time however, I am more than just my sexuality. I don't want to capitalize on just one aspect of my life. I want to showcase all my individual facets. I only wish my "ordinary" posts would receive as much attention. 
     I got sidetracked by my phone and I have lost my train of thought. Drat. 
     I love who I am. I love the community that I am a part of because of my sexuality. I love writing about it and answering people's questions. But I also love science fiction, fantasy, film and television, video games, board games, the outdoors, animals! But whenever I write about those things, no one cares (a slight exaggeration, people are still reading them). I just wish that I could write a post about one of my other passions that would take fire as quickly as my ones on asexuality. 
     I feel oddly guilty at the thought of only writing about sexuality, like I'm selling part of myself out just to gain readership!
    I want to bring awareness, I want bring it into the public spectrum, but it's not everything that I am. I feel like all activists feel this way at some point or another. Anytime someone is fighting for something there is that worry that it will become their whole identity. The world will associate them with their cause and not anything else. Kinda like an actor being typecast, but on a more fundamental level. 
    I want to be known as myself, not my cause. I'm okay with people knowing who I am because of my cause, but they need to know that I am more than that.
    This is all a little confusing, but it's just kinda where my head is at right now, Tomorrow's blog will be different, a little more focused.
    I'm asexual, but I am more than my sexuality. 

Saturday 5 December 2015

Wasteland Wanderer


 For the past few days I have been wandering around the wastelands of Boston, scavenging materials to bolster my meager dwelling, and to help my group of survivors live and thrive. There's also the annoying case of my kidnapped infant, but that pales in comparison to building my perfect post-apocalyptic mansion (it's only two stories right now), getting the journalist to fall in love with me.
    I'm talking about Fallout 4, for those of you completely confused by my contrived conveyance. Fallout 4 is the latest game in the long-running Fallout franchise, and has seen a much better reception than New Vegas ever did.
    As with all Fallout games, in 4 you play as a survivor in the Wasteland, this time in the Boston area. In a unique twist, your character is actually from a time before the atomic war ruined the world, and is alive still from the cryogenic freezing that Vault 111 employed. While thawing out, you see your spouse murdered and your infant son taken by a group of raiders.
    You escape the Vault, intent on finding your son, only to find that over 200 years have passed the world is now completely different. You wander down to your old home, only to find it completely abandoned, except for your old robotic butler, who doesn't want to believe that your spouse has been murdered. He fills you in on what's been happening and tells you to go to a nearby settlement for help. It is here where the adventure really begins.
    You soon meet your first companion, the series staple Dogmeat (who was very noticeably absent from New Vegas), and all thoughts of finding your son are gone because doggie.
just look how cute he is
      The gameplay has come a long way since Fallout 3. The gun play actually feels somewhat good! It is now very possible to forget to use VATS while engaged in a firefight, whereas before VATS was usually the only way to survive! And they finally added something amazing: you can run. Yes, finally you can sprint away from those Deathclaws instead of resigning yourself to an inevitable death. Everything about this Fallout feels more streamlined than its predecessors. It draws you in much quicker, and the action is faster packed.
    That being said, this is really just my first impressions. I'm not that far into the game, I'm only level 12. I enjoyed the previous Fallout games, but it always took me forever to actually make progress in them. With Fallout 4, I am constantly wanting to jump back into the game. I care about the character I have created (in the truly robust character creator), I care about the companions I have met, and I want to see how ridiculously cute Dogmeat looks in all the different eyewear that I can find! Spoiler: he looks so cute in everything, but honestly, he's been wearing welding goggles the entire game because squee!  
    Those are my basic thoughts on the game. I'll give an update once I'm further into it, but right now I am enjoying the ride. 

Friday 4 December 2015

An Infinite Sky

     I was out for a walk today with my dog, and the sky was absolutely breathtaking. Right in the middle was heavy cloud, flanked on either side by wondrous colour: one side was the oranges and yellows of the setting sun, on the other a light blue, everything stretching to the horizons.
dramatic shot of Teasag (pronounced Chessa) digging
    Under this impressive sky I had to stop, just to try and process what I was seeing. As I stood soaking in the majesty of the infinite, every care and worry on my soul shrank into trivialities. I stood on the edge of forever and everything fell into perspective. The universe was open to me, and for one beautiful instant I saw just how trivial all of my problems were compared to the whole. 
    Our world is falling apart, and I was worried about getting a book published. People are fleeing for their lives, their homes destroyed, and I was worried about bills. 
     As I stood there, under eternity, a wall broke inside of me, and I felt the pain that humanity itself is experiencing right now. It wasn't a piercing or stabbing pain, it was a dull ache as if something had been torn out a long time ago and never been replaced. 
     Never before this moment, have I felt the connectedness of all humanity. It burned through me, leaving me shaken. All this hate around the world is breaking us apart more than we already are. If the human race has ever needed love, it's right now. I pray to the gods above for love, to heal this fractured world we live in. Everyday something happens to try and break my belief in the human spirit, and everyday it is harder for me to believe in humanity, but I have not given up hope. I can't. If I gave up hope in humanity, I would be resigning myself to a dark future. I cannot allow myself to be part of that. So everyday I get up, and I stand up for humanity. I stand as a light in the darkness. I am turning the other cheek, and I am reaching out my hand to help those who need it. 
     The other day, a "Christian" asked me if I would help someone if they had hurt me, my response was simple. All I said was: Matthew 5:39. For those of you who aren't Christian, the verse, including the one previous for context, reads: "You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also." We live in an age where the answer to any aggression is revenge, and even Christians are joining in on that. Which baffles me because it's the exact opposite of what Christ would've done. Maybe it's silly of me to believe that Christians would follow Christ's example though... I try to, but most Christian churches in the area don't exactly care for my "radical" version of Christianity. Radical being I try to follow Christ's example. 
      Funny old world. 
     Amazing what a sky can do.
     Especially when that sky is showing you the infinite. 

Thursday 3 December 2015

About today's video

     Today, I am tired. Like, exhausted. But that's alright. I published a video today that I am super proud of. It was my fiftieth vlog. I took extra time composing the shots. I took extra editing them to make the video flow and to just seem different and special compared to my everyday vlogs.
     I'm not saying that all my videos aren't special, but I took way more time and put in way more effort for this one because I wanted to make it extra special. While editing, I actually got a little emotional as I began to see the beginnings of the final product.
      I enjoyed the silent film quality it had, once you remove the music it is completely silent other than the opening minute of monologue. I feel that taking away the sound really allowed the visuals to come to the forefront and allow the motions to be seen rather than heard. I'm going to be honest, the shot of my dog, Teasag (pronounced Chessa, it's Celtic), being super excited and running and jumping gave me a lump in my throat. You could see the joy in her actions, you didn't need to hear her paws hitting the floor, you could just see it.
      I think it was a very pure film. It allowed me, as a filmmaker, to try things that I hadn't tried before.
     I think it is a beautiful little film, and I hope you all enjoy it as well.

You can watch it here:

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Snows, freshly fallen

     The snows have freshly fallen, and the air has grown crisp. One could almost assume that winter has finally struck.
    One would be assuming correctly.
    So what does winter mean to those of us in the frozen tundra that we so bravely declare our home?
    Simply put, we get really cold and stay really cold until the spring, there are days where even the slightest touch of warmth is but a fleeting fantasy. Those days when the cold sinks right into your bones and doesn't let go. The days you feel as though you are freezing from the inside out.
    Winter means an abundance of cold and wet, of slush and ice, and an unending burning freeze. Winter means a tenfold increase in danger. Winter brings death along in its wake, and shrouds everything in a perpetual dark.
     Winter means putting on twenty pounds of clothing just to walk to the car, let alone to do anything outside.
     There's a reason why in all the the old tales Jack Frost is a killer and not a saint. Our ancestors knew that winter brought death.
    Nowadays people go out and play in the snow, they revel in the crystalline flakes that descend from the heavens. They slide across the ice with blades of metal strapped to their feet, they traverse down mountains sides upon thin strips of wood, all the while laughing in the face of death.
     Nowadays people receive joy at the sight of the first snow fall, where once our ancestors dreaded that fateful day, now people bemoan how long it takes to arrive. People go out and take pictures, dancing in the falling flakes, rapturous joy plastered on their faces!
     We are not so afraid of the winter as we once were, perhaps this is good. Perhaps it is not. But it simply is.
     Alas, it is winter, and I must settle in for it. The endless months of cold and snow and ice. The promise of the fleeting summer months, all that will keep me sane.
     For the snows have freshly fallen, and the air has grown crisp.  

Tuesday 1 December 2015

I did it. I made a blog with Moss references.

     Quick update that I wasn't thinking I would have to give yet: I GOT THE JOB! AND MY CAPSLOCK KEY IS STUCK! AHHHH
     Kidding. I held the shift key for all of that. I ain't no capslock sucka.
     But yeah, I got the mother flipping job. And I'm going to dress like Moss everyday.
this Moss, not the plant
And if you still don't understand the reference, watch The IT Crowd. It's British and it's absolutely hilarious. It's about the IT department in this major company. Just watch it. Have I ever steered you wrong about a show before? 
     Now that I have this job, another concern has popped up; do I drive 3 hours (hour and a half in, hour and a half out) everyday, or do I find a place to stay in the city for three months? The costs are, honestly, fairly similar in either case, so it all boils down to seeing if I can find a place that's reasonable. 
     But oh man, I am so pumped to start this job. It's the start of a whole new adventure in an industry that I've literally always wanted to be more a part of, and now I am! I am so ready for this change. I think it's going to be a super positive experience! Plus the exposure I'll be receiving! Oh man. I am pumped. Like. Crazy levels of pumpeditude. It's a word. Don't question it. 
     Now I'm going to relax with a nice glass of milk, and enjoy my evening. Except, uh oh, I'm all out of milk. And you know what that means:
    With that note, I shall bid you ado until tomorrow.