Friday 23 December 2016

Top Ten Pop Culture Moments of 2016

It’s December 23, it’s almost Christmas, so let’s do a top ten list! In this list, I will be listing my Top Ten Favourite Pop Culture Moments of the Year! That’s right, moments! There will be spoilers after this point.
1.) Deadpool’s opening credits

This is how all credits should be done. They showcased the tone of the entire movie, and even broke the fourth wall a few times! From Hugh Jackman’s sexiest man of the year cover, the Ryan Reynold’s Green Lantern trading card, to bullet holes and blood, these credits showed us exactly what we were going to get over the course of the film. Thankfully, the movie lived up its amazing opening credits!

2.) Jon and Sansa being reunited

These two hadn’t been seen together since the first or second episode of Game of Thrones, and they were the first of the Stark children to be reunited after all the terrible things that befell their family. It was possibly the first truly happy moment the series gave us, and it made everyone tear up with joy.

3.) Spider-Man taking Cap’s shield

I could’ve listed so many things from the airport battle, but Spider-Man’s entrance with him taking Cap’s shield and webbing his wrists together was just great.

4.) Wonder Woman’s entrance in BvS

There isn’t too much great we can say about BvS, but Wonder Woman’s entrance is one of them. From the electric violin, to Batman and Superman’s shocked looks, the scene showed us how could the movie could’ve been. She was in the movie for far too short of a time, but what a time.

5.) Samurai ATOM

Ray Palmer’s ATOM suit, with a samurai helm, on horseback. Thank you season two of Legends of Tomorrow.

6.) Ghost Rider’s reveal

This season of Agents of Shield brought it, and brought it hard. We got LMDs, Coulsen back in the field, and Daisy going full superhero. On top of that, we got Ghost Rider, flaming skull and all. Doctor Strange brought magic and idea of other realms into the MCU, Agents of Shield brought in hell and demons all wrapped up in a glorious burning chain.

7 & 8.) Battle of the Bastards and Sansa’s revenge

They’re in the same episode, so I’ll put them together on the list. First off, the battle. It was the largest battle every filmed for television and involved thousands of extras and a month of filming. It is easily on par with, or better than, the massive battles in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. On top the of pure scale of things, it’s a deeply emotional and human experience. There are very few things that have left me on the edge of my seat and breathless, this battle did it. And then, at the end of the amazing episode (which also featured dragons destroying a fleet of battleships), Sansa got her revenge on Ramsay Bolton by feeding him to his own dogs that he had starved for days.   
Watch Sansa’s revenge here:

9.) Darth Vader takes out entire rebel platoon

So technically this happened in 2015, but the collected edition of the storyline didn’t come out until 2016, so I’m counting it. Basically, in the amazing Star Wars comics that Marvel is doing, Darth Vader gets shot down and the rebels think it’s their best shot at taking him out. At one point he gets surrounded by an entire platoon, and after insulting them (see above), he kills them by detonating their grenades. Damn.

10.) Titanfall 2: Cause and Effect mission

Easily one of the best designed video game levels ever. During the course of the mission you get a new piece of equipment that introduces a new gameplay mechanic: you can jump through time. This allows you to try so many different things over the course of the mission, and is just ridiculously fun!
I’m not posting a link to a video, as they’re all walkthroughs and super long.

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Let's f*****g talk swearing

Swearing, in English, is an interesting experience. Our curses range from the religious to bodily functions, and are often used to punctuate statements, or even inserted into the middle—fuck it. We all curse. Even if we avoid the traditional swears and use something like “fudge” or “heck” or “poop”, we all know what word you’re actually saying. My time at a Christian college was one of the most swear-filled times of my life! Of course fuck was replaced with frick or frak or frig, but the word popped up constantly, and was very obvious as to what word it was replacing. We called things “BA” instead of saying “badass”, because it was the actual saying of the word that made it wrong! If we replaced it, it was all good!
What a bunch of morons. Did we honestly believe that replacing the word made it okay, or did we think we were tricking the all-knowing God by using something else?
I am often thankful that my parents are never around me when I play Mario Kart or Halo, as every second word out of my mouth is some variant of “fuck”. My friends find it funny and think that I should stream it, but I don’t see the appeal of watching some guy swear a million times because a flying blue turtle shell came out of nowhere. Part of me believes that my family would think less of me if they ever heard (I know they wouldn’t), but I think that’s just left over shame from the church.
For a time, I was fascinated with British swears. While I was in school I decided that they didn’t count as swears because they were from a different country, so I called everyone “bugger”, and threw “bloody” into every possible sentence. It was bloody bollocks, it was. I blame it all on Ron Weasley. He was a right wanker. A tosser even.
I still use the word “frak” sometimes, but that’s because I like the word and it makes me think of Katee Sackhoff. And thinking of Katee Sackhoff makes me happy. For those who don’t know, Katee played Starbuck in the 2004 BSG series. Which, if you haven’t watched, you really should. It’s frakking awesome.
Just like swearing is for your health (talk about amazing transitions! I’m a professional, trust me)! It helps to release pent up negative emotions, which thereby helps clear the mind, and allows people to think…better. I was going to say “more clearly” but I had just used the word clear and now I’ve just gone and fucked everything up and this is becoming a huge run-fucking-on sentence. Ahem. Swearing releases a kind of endorphin that acts as a pain-killer, which would explain why we always want to swear when we get hurt. In fact, my grade seven English teacher told us the only time it would be appropriate to swear in glass was if we got hurt. If we got actually hurt/injured we had full permission to drop the old f-bomb. Unfortunately, it is rather easy to stay uninjured in a grade 7 English class, so the school hallways never rang with approved fucks, only the unapproved. Take that however you want.
Swearing, like everything, has a time and place. Swearing in front of little kids just isn’t cool. Same as swearing in front of grandparents—unless it’s a family thing. And swearing every second word should be strictly left to Mario Kart.
Also, don’t call your boss a fucking dickweed unless that’s how your office operates, but really confirm that information first if you’re the new person.

Monday 19 December 2016

The changing thoughts of Canada

I haven’t written about anything important for a while; sure, I’ve mentioned my opinions, but those don’t count. Today will be different.
                I have seen a fundamental shift in the paradigm of Canadian thought over the past few months. Or at least a changing of the prevalent thoughts. Since Trump began his campaign of xenophobia and ignorance, many here in Canada began to parrot his ideals. Hate crimes became more common, and racist thoughts became vocalized. A person running for head of the federal Conservatives is even trying to mirror Trump’s campaign. We, the strong North true and free, watched a megalomaniac come to power and decided that he had some good ideas.
                We, a nation that is still trying to earn back the trust and respect of the First Nations people, decided that now would be a good time to turn our backs on others simply because of their skin and beliefs. My feeds on social media are constantly assaulted by people who believe in this. People who are not willing to label themselves as racist because they know intrinsically that racism is bad, yet they still hold on to the tenets of it. Simply put, if you rail against people because of their religion or skin colour, you are a racist. There is no other word. You can call yourself the Alt-Right in a vain attempt at rebranding, but deep down everyone knows alt-right is just a way of saying Nazi without the historical baggage.
                We are a nation that fought, bled, and died to stop the original Nazis. We fought to stop the people purporting genetic purity and race classism, and now our closest neighbour and ally has elected one to lead its country. And we as a nation are thinking maybe that’s a good thing.
                This past year I have been called a white traitor and a traitor to Canada by my fellow Canadians. I have been spat on by people I once respected, all for saying that we should allow refugees into Canada. I was mocked by Christians I attended school with for saying that I am a feminist, and sent death threats for having the audacity to come out of the closet. I have straight friends who still use the word “fag”, and every time they say it, all I can think of were the times I was told to “go kill [myself], fag” or that someone was going to kill me for being a “fucking fag”. They’ll never understand how much it hurts to hear them say something that I associate with hate and death. Unfortunately, I believe that hate speak will be on the uptick the next couple of years as the racists and the ignorant feel more and more validated. People like this already believe that they are right and that they speak for us, and the more they believe that, the truer it will become. Hate is always louder than love. Love is the quiet actions in the night, whereas hate is the fire that burns bright.
                We are being surrounded by those flames, not yet engulfed, but surrounded all the same. The flames, for now, are stretched thin in their efforts to surround, and if we act now we can snuff out those flames before they become a bonfire.
                I use the term we in this because we are a country united. The thoughts of neighbours reflect upon us to the world, and if my use of the word we upsets you, stand up and act so that the world knows that we disagree. Stand up and act so the world knows that we are still Canada.

                We are better than this. We are better than the hate and racism that is spewing from our gutters.   

Wednesday 14 December 2016

masking and making

words struck through
lines erased
lies disguised as truths
what words mask
what words make
the same? no
different? no
neither, nor, no
masking the real
making the truth
feelings and thoughts disguised as words.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Have a sexy saturnalia!

                The holidays are right around the corner, so I’m want to talk about them. Now, I say holidays because there are several celebrations throughout the month of December—that’s right, more than just Christmas! Now, Christmas is the one that I celebrate, so I do say Merry Christmas to people, and they say it back to me. However, if I know someone does not celebrate Christmas I don’t make a big deal out of it. If they want to wish me a Happy Holiday, that’s fine. I wish them one right back!
                A lot of people seem to think that there’s a “war” on Christmas these days, and that’s pretty stupid. Just because someone calls this time of year the holidays doesn’t mean that there’s a war on Christmas! That just sounds ridiculous. The Jewish people don’t go around saying that there’s a war on Hanukkah—although if there is a war against a religious celebration in North America during December, that would be the one. People are becoming more open to other people’s ideas and beliefs, and because of that we are becoming more respectful of those beliefs. Saying “Happy Holidays” does not negate Christmas, it’s simply acknowledging it and all the other celebrations. Never mind the fact that Christmas stole the day, and traditions, from a pagan festival, and that Jesus was most likely born in the spring; maybe we should be wishing people a… savvy saturnalia? Sexy saturnalia? I don’t know how the Romans greeted people on that day, but my moneys on sexy saturnalia.
                Christmas, for Christians and everyone else who celebrates it, is a time of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Part of that acceptance includes accepting other people’s beliefs, and not forcing your own onto them. Jesus taught through love, not force.
                So this year, instead of getting out of sorts when someone says “happy holidays”, just smile and wish them a sexy saturnalia.

                After all, it was Saturn’s, the father of Jupiter, party first. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Clearing up

I have a problem with writing things that I think may offend my friends and family. I hold back sometimes for that exact reason. I really shouldn’t. If my views and ideas are offensive to them, that’s not my problem! I should be speaking my mind! However, I need these people to read what I’m writing because as of right now they’re a large percentage of my readership. So am I restraining myself to offend their delicate sensibilities, or am I doing it to not lose readers?
I suppose I just have to ask myself what really matters: being true to myself and my views, or maintaining readership. It’s a scary question, especially since both options involve a sacrifice. But since I’m talking about this, lets clear up some of my stances with the internet’s favourite kind of article: a list!
1.) Donald J. Trump
He’s a fuckwit. And he’s terrifying. The possible implications of his love-affair with Russia and Putin are horrifying. His admiration for dictators is worrying. And all of this is without mention his racist and fear driven platform that won him the American election! Honestly, if you think Trump is a suitable President, just get out of my life. I don’t care who you are, because your support of him shows me that you don’t care about me or anyone else that is “different”. And in this case, as with most, different means not straight and white. I’ve already said that any Christians who voted for Trump have lost sight of Christ, but I’ll go a step farther: anyone who voted for him, knowing his platform, is a bad person.
2.) Syrian Refugees
Good people, we should be taking more in. They’re running away from hate and violence, we should be welcoming them with open arms and open homes. Anyone who disagrees with that has forgotten what being Canadian means. As with Trump, if you disagree, just leave my life.
3.) Kayne West
I’ll admit that he is a talented rapper and artist, but he’s also kind of a dick. However, I wish him all the best as he’s going through this difficult time. I’m not a monster.
4.) Pipelines in general
The environmental side-effects are a big enough reason to not build them. I understand what benefit they would have for the economy, but if the cost is the environment, is the economy worth it? No, no it is not. Our environment is wrecked enough right now without us adding to the problems. I’m honestly scared for our planet right now.
5.) Justin Trudeau
I voted for him, and I would again. Has he made a few decisions I don’t agree with? Yeah, but he’s still a decent human being who wants Canada to become a truly equal country, and the beacon of hope that it used to be. He’s the best option we have right now, and he’s actually a good option.
6.) Brad Wall
He’s been in power for too long and it’s gone to his head. At one time he was a good leader, but now he thinks he knows what’s best for the entire country, and constantly forgets that he’s the premier of one of the smallest provinces in Canada. Plus, he was against bringing refugees into the province unless they went through more rounds of vetting because the UN and Canada weren’t being thorough enough. And he was excited about Trump becoming President. And he got into a twitter fight with A&W. Seriously Brad, maybe take a sabbatical.
7.) Hockey
Meh, it’s alright when you’re actually at a game with some friends, but watching it on TV (outside of Olympics hockey) is kind of a waste.
8.) Religion
Everyone should be free to practice whatever religion they want without fear, but a religion that preaches discrimination should be re-evaluated. That being said, a lot of my “Christian” friends are some of the most hateful people I know. Oh sure, they’ll open their hearts and homes to other Christians but heaven forbid they do that for other people without being preachy. Honestly, Christians, us queer folk are here to stay no matter how much you pray the gay away, so just stop.
9.) Abortion
It’s her body, she should have control over it. Pro-choice all the way. If we take away the right for women to decide this, where does it stop? It stops with women becoming property again.
10.) Gender
Biological sex and gender are different things. Being as I personally am a “different” gender, it should be no surprise that I fully support people’s gender identities. History is also on my side with many cultures having more than two genders. Sorry reddit.
11.) Clickbait
Hate that I sometimes have to find out what the scientists/random dude found.
12.) Star Wars
Fun, shallow sci-fi that drowns when you compare it to hard sci-fi. It’s better to call it fantasy and then not compare it to other fantasies.
13.) Marijuana
It should be legal. Tobacco and alcohol are, why not pot?

Well, there ya go. Some of my distilled thoughts on various topics.