Thursday 8 December 2016

Have a sexy saturnalia!

                The holidays are right around the corner, so I’m want to talk about them. Now, I say holidays because there are several celebrations throughout the month of December—that’s right, more than just Christmas! Now, Christmas is the one that I celebrate, so I do say Merry Christmas to people, and they say it back to me. However, if I know someone does not celebrate Christmas I don’t make a big deal out of it. If they want to wish me a Happy Holiday, that’s fine. I wish them one right back!
                A lot of people seem to think that there’s a “war” on Christmas these days, and that’s pretty stupid. Just because someone calls this time of year the holidays doesn’t mean that there’s a war on Christmas! That just sounds ridiculous. The Jewish people don’t go around saying that there’s a war on Hanukkah—although if there is a war against a religious celebration in North America during December, that would be the one. People are becoming more open to other people’s ideas and beliefs, and because of that we are becoming more respectful of those beliefs. Saying “Happy Holidays” does not negate Christmas, it’s simply acknowledging it and all the other celebrations. Never mind the fact that Christmas stole the day, and traditions, from a pagan festival, and that Jesus was most likely born in the spring; maybe we should be wishing people a… savvy saturnalia? Sexy saturnalia? I don’t know how the Romans greeted people on that day, but my moneys on sexy saturnalia.
                Christmas, for Christians and everyone else who celebrates it, is a time of love, acceptance, and forgiveness. Part of that acceptance includes accepting other people’s beliefs, and not forcing your own onto them. Jesus taught through love, not force.
                So this year, instead of getting out of sorts when someone says “happy holidays”, just smile and wish them a sexy saturnalia.

                After all, it was Saturn’s, the father of Jupiter, party first. 

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