Monday 19 December 2016

The changing thoughts of Canada

I haven’t written about anything important for a while; sure, I’ve mentioned my opinions, but those don’t count. Today will be different.
                I have seen a fundamental shift in the paradigm of Canadian thought over the past few months. Or at least a changing of the prevalent thoughts. Since Trump began his campaign of xenophobia and ignorance, many here in Canada began to parrot his ideals. Hate crimes became more common, and racist thoughts became vocalized. A person running for head of the federal Conservatives is even trying to mirror Trump’s campaign. We, the strong North true and free, watched a megalomaniac come to power and decided that he had some good ideas.
                We, a nation that is still trying to earn back the trust and respect of the First Nations people, decided that now would be a good time to turn our backs on others simply because of their skin and beliefs. My feeds on social media are constantly assaulted by people who believe in this. People who are not willing to label themselves as racist because they know intrinsically that racism is bad, yet they still hold on to the tenets of it. Simply put, if you rail against people because of their religion or skin colour, you are a racist. There is no other word. You can call yourself the Alt-Right in a vain attempt at rebranding, but deep down everyone knows alt-right is just a way of saying Nazi without the historical baggage.
                We are a nation that fought, bled, and died to stop the original Nazis. We fought to stop the people purporting genetic purity and race classism, and now our closest neighbour and ally has elected one to lead its country. And we as a nation are thinking maybe that’s a good thing.
                This past year I have been called a white traitor and a traitor to Canada by my fellow Canadians. I have been spat on by people I once respected, all for saying that we should allow refugees into Canada. I was mocked by Christians I attended school with for saying that I am a feminist, and sent death threats for having the audacity to come out of the closet. I have straight friends who still use the word “fag”, and every time they say it, all I can think of were the times I was told to “go kill [myself], fag” or that someone was going to kill me for being a “fucking fag”. They’ll never understand how much it hurts to hear them say something that I associate with hate and death. Unfortunately, I believe that hate speak will be on the uptick the next couple of years as the racists and the ignorant feel more and more validated. People like this already believe that they are right and that they speak for us, and the more they believe that, the truer it will become. Hate is always louder than love. Love is the quiet actions in the night, whereas hate is the fire that burns bright.
                We are being surrounded by those flames, not yet engulfed, but surrounded all the same. The flames, for now, are stretched thin in their efforts to surround, and if we act now we can snuff out those flames before they become a bonfire.
                I use the term we in this because we are a country united. The thoughts of neighbours reflect upon us to the world, and if my use of the word we upsets you, stand up and act so that the world knows that we disagree. Stand up and act so the world knows that we are still Canada.

                We are better than this. We are better than the hate and racism that is spewing from our gutters.   

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