Monday 30 November 2015

A Short List of Happy Things

    The interview went really good today! I went in feeling positive, and the interviewer was super friendly and nice! I really enjoyed it. She told me that she would let me know by the end of the week.
     Hoping everything goes good!
     Anyway, on to the rest of the blog post!
    Today I will publishing a list of things that have made me happy this past month, because this month has thrown a lot of hits my way and I want to look back at the good!

  1. putting extra time into my writing
  2. dedicated time for my vlog and other filming pursuits 
  3. time for introspection (which is both positive and negative, but only positives)
  4. making new ace friends
  5. writing a post that meant so much to so many people
  6. binge-watching Jessica Jones
  7. binge-watching Master of None
  8. reading Ready Player One and Armada for the first time
  9. starting on my memoir
  10. finishing my solo campaign on Borderlands 2 (first time taking the Warrior out solo)
  11. playing through Halo 5: Guardians (great game btw, solid story)
  12. the warm start to winter
  13. midnight cupcakes
  14. started working out again
  15. time for recharging 
     I know this list seems short, but a lot of the things on it are pretty big, or took up a significant portion of time!
    This has been a short list of things that made me happy. 

Sunday 29 November 2015

The Importance of Star Trek

     I forgot to post yesterday... oops. Sorry about that, I just kept getting sidetracked by things. Mainly Star Wars. I mean, very professional, adult things. Yup, not Star Wars at all.
     It`s no excuse, I know. I`m very sorry. 
     Anyways, because I started this off with Star Wars I`m going to talk about Star Trek in this blog. Logic! Don`t question my logic, I`m pretty much a Vulcan, so I know more about logic than you. Unless you`re an actual Vulcan... In which case, please message me so we can hang out in space and stuff. 
     Star Trek is very important to our culture and to the modern age. But Zak, you interrupt rudely, it was just a tv show! How is it important?
     Well, ignorant fool, it was a whole franchise of TV shows, 5 live-action with a sixth being worked on, and 12 movies with the 13th coming out next summer. So, not just a tv show. Gosh. Star Trek inspired generations of scientists, philosophers, and politicians. Cellphones were invited because people wanted the communicators from The Original Series. The Next Generation inspired laptops and tablets. Deep Space Nine explored the the human psyche on levels most television would have never dared to!
     One of the most culturally significant aspects of Star Trek comes from The Original Series. It was a show, that during the height of race riots and the Cold War, featured a black woman and Russian man as main characters. Not just main characters either, officers who held crucial positions on the flagship for Earth`s fleet. Uhura became an icon. Young Black girls in the 1960`s got to watch a series every week that showed them that they could do whatever they wanted. Uhura and Chekov showed a future where race didn`t matter because we were all human. 
      One of the most significant, and radical things Star Trek did, was to showcase the first, the very first, inter-racial kiss on television. For the first time in television history, a white man was shown kissing a black woman. It was revolutionary! And ridiculously controversial. 
      And Star Trek stayed controversial. It touched on subjects like same-sex relationships, poly-amorous relationships, racism, xenophobia, PTSD, consequences of war, torture, and so many more. They never did for publicity, all the things came up through clear and consistent story-telling, and were always done with grace.   
       There`s a section of my memoir dedicated to Star Trek where I go in-depth into the personal significance it holds. I love Star Trek. And I will say that it is the most important piece of pop culture ever produced until I fall into my grave. 
      That`s it for today. Tomorrow I have an interview with the longest running film festival in North America, so the tone of tomorrow`s blog will probably hinge on that... 

Friday 27 November 2015

Dear Islamophobes,

     I woke up really happy today. I'm not one hundred percent sure why, but I think it may have had to do with yesterday. Yesterday was just an awesome day! I got to know some awesome people. It was simply amazing, and the feeling of euphoria carried over to today.      
          That said, I saw one of the most ignorant and Islamophobic things today. Like, I was disgusted. And it was posted by someone I used to have a lot of respect for! The post contained a video, and the following text: To those that say I am posting "hate" on my wall...please take 4 mins and listen and WATCH this video. Its not just the extremists with these barbaric views, its the entire religion!! If you still disagree after watching this, you are simply ignorant. These are the same people we are welcoming to our country right now. There is NO peace in Islam. Period. This video proves it.              You know you're off to a great start when the person posting it calls it "hate".       
       The video shows a group of incredibly conservative Muslims discussing the very conservative parts of Islam: the separation of men and women during worship, etc.. Basically the same kind of thing that super conservative Christians would be talking about. And one of the main things people were getting from this video was that all the people in the audience were agreeing! Two things about that:
1.     herd mentality. When you're part of a large group you're going to agree with what's going on, or you're not going to try to stop it at the very least. I've experienced it at Christian events, concerts, and the movie theatre
2.     THEY WERE A CROWD OF ULTRA CONSERVATIVE PEOPLE. And if I know anything, I know that any group of ultra conservative men will agree that women should be kept separate. Because ultra conservatism = sexism. 
I realize that basic logic and common sense is beyond some people, and that's a damn shame. But honestly. We need some sort of buffers for this kind of idiocy. Ugh.      
      I commented on the post, because of course I did. All I said was this: "Have you read the Koran? I have. Their religion is ridiculously more peaceful than Christianity. But, go ahead. Call me ignorant." Honestly, that's pretty tame for me. Must have been because of my good mood.
      Of course when the next person commented and went on a tirade about all of the atrocities Islamic people have committed throughout all of history. Way to stay relevant. So I may have replied to his comment... with an extremely sarcastic list of atrocities that I was sure glad white Christians had never committed. Like genocide. And slavery.       
        I didn't hold back that time...       
       What confounds me the most, is how do these people not realize that all the hate they're spreading is doing the terrorists' job for them? How can you be this blind? Not you specifically. Probably no one reading this...
       The sad part is that I realize these people (most/some) aren't being racist out of hate, but rather ignorance and fear. That's honestly so sad.
       I think what I'm trying to say is: Fuck Islamophobia. To any Muslim brothers and sisters reading this, As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. Peace be on all my siblings. We are all Children of this Earth. We should all love each other. 

Thursday 26 November 2015

Ace Day

      Today, November 26th, is Ace Day. And it is a beautiful, wondrous day! I have loved every minute of it! Seeing all of the tweets, all of the selfies on instagram, and all of the posts on tumblr and facebook! It's been fantastic! Days like this are so important! For so many reasons! Let's list those reasons:

  1. Asexuality is all but ignored by most forms of media
  2. Young people are wandering around not knowing about it thinking they're broken
  3. Asexual characters are treated as jokes who need to be fixed 
  4. Asexuality in general is a joke to the many people who thought homosexuality was funny
  5. Days like this allow aces to shine in all their magnificent glory
  6. It allows people to connect with like individuals all over the globe
  7. And mostly, because it gives people confidence to be themselves
People feel safe on days like this because they see countless others going out of their way to celebrate themselves! And it is absolutely beautiful.
       Days like this give people back their hope. Days like this give people strength to carry on. Days like this make people proud to be who they are. I love this community. I love the people in it. I love the things that the people in it have accomplished. And the thing I love most? How much everyone loves each other within it.
      I feel good whenever I talk to someone within the ace community. I feel a kinship and trust with everyone in it, even if I've never talked to them before. That's an incredible feeling. I've honestly never felt more apart of something than I do now. The feeling of inclusion I had within the church pales in comparison.
      I love who I am. I love what I am. And I never would've gotten to this point if it wasn't for this community.
      Gods above, I love you guys. Everyday. Not just today. You guys, each and every one of you, are my family. And I really do love you.
      Lets rock this thing. 

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Sarcastic AF

       Alright, alright, I'll start writing.
       Hey, how's life treating you today?
      That's a terrible way to start a blog, sounds like a fricking email.
      Technology mildly worked for me today. YouTube froze a bunch while uploading, but it only made it take like an hour extra. And I was able to get a bunch of other stuff done as well! Yay for productivity! I'm looking at ways to promote my content on the cheap (read: free), and in that vein, I have started an official tumblr page for my vlog!!! YAY! Wow. Chill out caps lock McGee. You can find my page at: Yet another way I'm giving you to find and watch my videos with having to go to the dreaded YouTube.
      I've been told sarcasm isn't an attractive trait. But what do those people know? They haven't even looked in a mirror lately. I mean, come on, people in glass houses.
       I think that's the meanest I've been in one of these... I must be tired. (hint: I am) I apologize to any of the sarcastically impaired people whom I may have offended with my comment.
      But seriously, just because you don't understand a sarcastic comment doesn't mean you need to broadcast your ignorance.
       Down boy. Be nice.
      Hello. This has been blogging with a tired Zak. Please go and follow his YouTube channel for content when he isn't falling asleep at keyboards: Like his page on Facebook: Join his group for Canadian Asexuals: And follow him on tumblr where he reblogs scarves:


     Technology has conspired against me today. Namely the internet, but my phone joined in too but not staying charged. My WiFi has been absolutely terrible. It is currently 7-8 hours after my vlog is usually up, and its currently frozen at 50%. Nine hours to get to 50%! That's absolutely ridiculous! And because YouTube was eating up all my bandwidth, I haven't been able to get this done either!
      Ugh. I'm afraid today's blog is going to be super short mainly because I am mega irritated with technology. I had a post planned for today! But, that's going to be pushed back until tomorrow now... Hopefully everything goes according to plan tomorrow at least.
     That's it. This is today's blog. Enjoy. 

Monday 23 November 2015

The Doctor's Faults


       So, that happened on Saturday. I knew it was coming, we've all known that it was coming for a while, so it wasn't too shocking. I think the most emotional part of Clara's death was the Doctor's reaction. And Me's realization of what she had inadvertently done. That said, the Doctor was directly responsible for Clara's demise.
     How could I say that, you ask? Let's take a look.
     First off, let's talk about Ashildr. Remember her from way back like five episodes ago? She was the innocent young viking girl with the vivid imagination, whose story telling saved her village. Unfortunately she died doing this. The Doctor, racked with guilt after Clara told him to feel that way, took a med-kit from one of the deceased aliens and brought her back to life. This med-kit had some side-effects, the main one being that it made her immortal. The episode ends with a beautifully sad shot of her standing by herself as time moves around her, leaving her unchanged. When the Doctor sees her next, a mere 800 years later, she is living the life of a highwayman, robbing from the rich and keeping for herself. We learn that she barely remembers her name and has taken to calling herself Lady Me. She tells the Doctor that while she may be immortal, she still has a normal memory span. She shows the Doctor her library, filled with hundreds of journals that she has written to remember what she's done. The Doctor reads these journals and learns that during her 800 years she has lived through and taken part in almost all the major events during those times, and even had children. Children that she lost to the Plague. A bunch of events happen, and at the end of it the Doctor and Ashildr part as people working toward the same goal differently. The Doctor is out to save the planet, and Ashildr is out to save the planet from the Doctor. They aren't enemies, but they are far from friends. When we finally saw Ashildr again on Saturday, she had radically changed once again. But I'll get to that later.

       Now for the Doctor. Twelve is a very different Doctor, especially from the more recent ones. He's callous and harsh, he doesn't know how to be nice to people, and he doesn't really care. Clara has slowly been making him care: "She's my care-er. She cares so I don't have" all the way to making him flash cards on how to be nice. Twelve has gotten more "human" since his first episode. Remember it? With the ambiguous ending of did he push the cyborg or talk it into committing suicide? He learned to care about Clara fairly quickly, and he's needed her to make him care about other people. The Doctor has always been confidant, but Twelve has taken the levels of cockiness to new extremes. He knows that he is going to win because he always has. And his fake it until an actual plan forms method has been rubbing off on Clara this whole time. We've seen the Doctor become like his companions, and we've seen his companions become like the Doctor, but never this negatively before. Twelve is calm and methodical, and very often doesn't seem to care when people die, so long as Clara survives. We've seen countless people die and the Doctor not hesitate until Clara is in danger. Clara isn't/wasn't his weakness, she was his humanity. A humanity that was somehow lost in between Eleven and Twelve. This hasn't been fully explained, but I believe it has something to do with the new set of regenerations Eleven received at Trenzalore. 
       And finally, Clara. Clara started off as a mystery for Eleven to solve, who then stuck around after the mystery was solved. She floundered as a companion for a bit after this, probably because the writers hadn't bothered with giving her dimensions beyond "she's a mystery!", but after a few episodes with Twelve, she began to actually have a character and a purpose. She began to teach the Doctor how to care again, she began to slowly give him back his humanity. In process of this, she began to lose her own. She started to become more and more like the Doctor. She got his cocky attitude, and negligence towards other people (in a small way). She even pretended, very convincingly to be the Doctor on several occasions. Even convincing Cybermen that she was the Doctor at one point! We've seen her take more and more risks, all the while calling them clever plans. Which culminated in Face the Raven, when she convinced Rigsy to give her his death sentence because Ashildr (Mayor Me) had given Clara her personal guarantee that nothing would happen to her. Not knowing the full details of Ashildr's abilites, or the deals that Ashildr had made, Clara thought this was exceedingly clever. Something she repeatedly told Rigsy, who still thought it was a bad idea. 
        Should've listened to Rigsy. 
        The Doctor figures out that Ashildr is working for someone, proves Rigsy was innocent, and should've won the day! Only to find out that Clara had taken the death sentence. Ashildr admits that her personal guarantee of protection won't work with this because of deals that she has made, and that there is nothing she can do to save Clara. There's nothing the Doctor can do either. He threatens Ashildr, threatens to rain hell down upon what she has built up. Clara stops him mid-threat, telling him that he would stop the instant he heard a baby crying. She then tells the Doctor to not seek revenge, to get on with his life and to not stay alone, because he can't handle that (he really can't, which we have seen numerous times). She says good bye, and goes into the street to await death, while the Doctor watches from the doorway.
         This is, of course, all the Doctor's fault. He gave Ashildr immortality then left her for 800 years, without a thought of the consequence to his actions. He forced Clara into situations that made her think like him. He runs in, fixes problems, and then doesn't stick around to deal with the fallout. If the Doctor had acted with more thought and care for the consequences, maybe Clara would still be alive.
      But probably not since this was Jenna Coleman's last season anyways... 

Sunday 22 November 2015

Incoherent Ramblings and a Short Story

        My post yesterday has been one of my more popular ones so far. That's pretty cool. But today I have a major headache, so don't expect anything too profound. Just a little bit of profoundity. That's totally a word, don't worry about looking it up. Trust me, I 'm a person who says things on the internet for... not a living? 
       I've noticed a huge difference in numbers compared to my vlog and my blog. Which is weird to me, because I promote my vlog way more than this. That being said, watch my vlog: I think it's pretty good every now and then. 
       As I said, I have a massive headache right now, and feel like crap. 
      Ok. Alright. Let's do this thing.
      I joined a couple groups and liked a couple pages on Facebook about asexuality, and I have started my own specifically for Canadian aces! You can find at:! Go check it out and become a member! Lets create a thriving online community for Canadian Aces! And a safe one of course. 
     Apparently this post doesn't have a coherent theme, Or an incoherent one. 
     I'm trying to force myself to post daily on here, simply because it's a good writing exercise. I usually enjoy it, and I usually have something to say, but between my head pounding and pets I can't focus on anything at all. Maybe today will be a short post. Or!!! I can cheat today! Here's a short story entitled "Mondays":

Mondays, man, Mondays. I’d say that they’re the bitch of the week, but that’s not PC anymore. This whole politically correct thing has really toned down what I can call things. I don’t know…
            Monday! Mondays suck righteous balls. Now, I know everyone “hates” Mondays, and that a fat cat in the 70s made it cool to do so, but come on. Are Mondays really that bad?
            Yes. Unequivocally yes.
            “But James,” you say, “why are Mondays so bad? Wouldn’t any other day be just as bad?” Now, this is a really odd thing to say, especially since my name isn’t James. It’s Todd. How fricking hard is that? Is fricking PC? Can I say that? Oh well.
            But since you asked so politely, even though you called me James, I will answer the question with a story. Not a short concise answer, you guys are jerks so you get a story.
            It was seven years ago, on this very day—ok, ok, so it wasn’t exactly seven years ago, this is for dramatic effect ya knobs—that I, Todd Matheson esq., experienced the worst Monday in human history since the one where Joan of Arc decided to take a walk outside. Don’t ask, again it’s for dramatic effect. I, Todd Matheson esq., was at school.
            My school was a dreary place full of squares trying to be circles, if you catch my drift. There were the rich hippies on one side, and the poor snobs on the other. And the stoners. Every school ever has the stoners who just don’t give a single flying flip. And since the stoners don’t care, this is the last time I’m going to mention them. Heh, stoners. Wait. I wasn’t supposed to mention them again. I lied to you, and for that I am truly sorry.
            My school was mega lame, that’s what I’m getting at. And this particular Monday was even lamer than the all the others.
            This was the Monday that I died.
            Man that would be a terrible Monday. Obviously I’m not dead. But damn, that sounded hella cool.
            Anyways, this Monday started off as a normal, boring Monday. I got off the bus, breathed in the fresh, yet slightly toxic from decades of pollution, air, and promptly fell on my face. The juniors literally walked on me to get off the bus. To top it off, my crush, the babeilicious Jeannette, saw everything.
            I walked into the school, my appearance and soul sullied and humbled from my tumble. Rhymes are cool. Crestfallen, I, Todd Matheson esq., put my things into my locker and continued on with my day.
            I’m not going to bore you with the deets of my morning, ya’ll aren’t that big of jerks, so let’s skip ahead to lunch.
            Mexican Mondays, not to be confused with Taco Tuesdays and Taquito Thursdays, was a cafeteria favourite. There was a build your own fajita stand (wrap, lettuce, cheese, mystery meat, questionable salsa, and three week old peppers), and chili with rice. I made my favourite Monday meal, a fajita with cheese and chili, and headed to my table full of other like-minded denizens of the school. We were the nerds, alright. Just be cool. God. As I travelled through the perilous and fragrant hippie controlled lands, something dreadful happened. Truly dreadful. I was full of dread. Or the dirty hippie who tripped me was. Ha. Oh. I should explain. The guy had dreads. Which led me to making that dreadful pun. I’ll let myself out.
            I tripped over his foot like Paula Deen tripping over her mouth. I flew forward. But in a slightly downward trajectory. I landed face first on my chili fajita. Meat and beans flew out, splattering all near me. If anything, it improved their smell, and they should’ve thanked me. Instead they literally tossed me out the door.
            I spent the rest of the day, covered in dried chili. With every gulp of air, all I got was chili. Every breeze gently wafting past me held the dubious honour of smelling like chili.
            And then the literally worst thing to ever happen, happened. Like. This was an extinction level event. The babeilicious Jeanette came up to and told me that she felt bad for me. And then. Oh boy. Oooooh booooyy. And then she kissed me. Right on the old mouth hole. That sounds weird. She kissed me right on the lips. And as she pulled away, she gave me a little smile and said, “I’ve always liked chili.” She winked and walked away.
            My first kiss, and I was coated in beans.
            And this is why Mondays are the absolute worst of all time.

            What do you mean that’s a stupid reason?  

Saturday 21 November 2015

Asexuality and Loneliness

       In today's post I am going to write about loneliness. Not the "no one loves me" kind of loneliness, but the "there's no one like me" kind of loneliness.
       I just did a quick search for Facebook groups on asexuality, I was looking especially for ones that were in Saskatchewan. Finding a total of ZERO, I expanded my search to encompass all of Canada. I found four. And many of them were closed groups where you had to get approved to join, and the ones that were open had regular posts reminding the users to report anyone who was being acephobic. For those who aren't regularly involved within the LGBTQIA+ community, acephobia is much like homophobia, but dealing with asexuality. The reasons these warning have to be continually posted is simple and frightening: the general public doesn't believe in our existence, or when they do, they don't understand. And when the general public doesn't believe or understand something, they mock the people who are part of it.
       This isn't limited to the general public either. I've had members of the queer community ask me ignorant questions, and belittle my experiences as not "gay enough". Obviously this isn't meant to say that everyone is acephobic, on the contrary there are many people who are supportive and have genuinely wanted to learn more about the ace community.
      The sad fact is that so many aces keep it to themselves because they don't want to be questioned or insulted or told that they're broken. The feeling of brokenness is something many aces have in common. Asexuality isn't taught in schools, it's not shown on mainstream television (and when it is most often the characters are treated like jokes or people that need to be fixed), so it is hard for many people to find about it. Many aces, especially teenagers constantly surrounded by hormones and a hyper-sexualized cultures, wonder if they are broken because they are not feeling the sexual attraction that society deems necessary for everyday living! I buried my feelings of brokenness in religion and told myself that my lack of sexual attraction was simply because I was super Christian. It wasn't until I was 24 and stumbling around the internet that I saw a mention of asexuality for the first time. My first thought was not a gracious one. I thought Man, they have names for everything these days! I don't feel sexual attraction, I don't call myself anything! It took me a long time to fall asleep that night because I kept thinking about it, and the next day I spent hours researching it.
      It took some time for me to admit to myself that I was asexual. I wasn't ashamed, I just didn't have the knowledge. I didn't want to admit that I had been lying to myself, covering up my sexuality with other things.
       I didn't want to be honest with myself.
      I didn't want to be alone.
      Asexuality exists in a very small percentage of people: one percent. At most. Studies have said that up to 1% of adults are asexual. Compared to the 10-20% that homosexual or bisexual. We live in a world that barely accepts or understands gay people, and they represent up to one fifth of the entire population! Now imagine how the world reacts to a group of people that make up one one hundredth of the population!
       I have a few friends within the asexuality community, friends that are scattered around the entire planet. Some of them are still trying to come to terms with the fact that they aren't broken, some of them lie to people about their sexuality, while others are actively trying to make themselves "straight" because society says that they should be.
       This summer I was at the fifth largest pride parade in the world. The Vancouver Pride Parade is an event that has over 650 000 people participating, which makes it the largest parade period in Western Canada. In the parade were groups representing the trans communities, the gay communities, the bi communities, the lesbian communities, the fetish communities, allies, two-spirit, non-binary, people representing pan-sexuality. But no one for the asexual community. I had never felt like I was more apart and more separate from something in my entire life. I watched the parade with a super cute lesbian couple and a gay guy. They loved it and gave off great energy. I loved it too, but I still felt left out because there was nothing in the parade, no one in the 650 000, that was representing my community. Once the euphoria of being part of something so large wore off, I felt this immense loneliness.
        About a month and a half before this I had been at the Saskatoon Pride Parade, a parade that was about one percent the size of Vancouver's, and there was a slight difference. There were people in the parade with signs saying they were asexual. Living proof of other asexuals! Right in front of my face! It was amazing! I wasn't alone! In a crowd of thousands, I wasn't alone, yet in a crowd of hundreds of thousands I was. Strange feelings.
          Being asexual is a strange experience. On one hand you're now part of a larger community with people like you, but on the other hand you're also being excluded by larger communities who deny your very existence. All at once you're part of this large community and alone at the same time. The dichotomy of our existence.
        I love who and what I am, I wouldn't change it for anything. But I do feel alone at times, and I would love to have ace friends closer to home. For now I am content with the friends I have around the world. Just knowing that they are out there cuts the loneliness down.
        To any fellow aces reading this, you are not alone, you are not broken. I love each and every one of you. To everyone else reading this, thank you for taking your time to read something that doesn't directly involve you.
       For now, loneliness is just one of the many things that an ace has to accept, but this will not always be the case. Until that day, I love you, and I am here for all of you.

Friday 20 November 2015

About the refugees

      Ok. News video has been live for almost a day now. I can do this without spoiling it, right?
      Look at these pictures and then tell me that the refugees shouldn't be allowed in Canada:

     I think that first image sends a pretty clear message. A message that so many people are keen on proving correct. Why would you want to approve that message? France was the nation that was attacked, do you know what their response to the refugees was? Keep em coming. France has agreed to bring in even more refugees than they had already pledged to. The one country where it may have been understandable for them to say "no" to the refugees. And they want to bring in more. Because They want to help people. They want to save lives. Almost immediately after the attacks, they pledged to bring in more refugees. That's the human spirit. That's what makes me believe in humanity.
       The hate in the world really pisses me off. 
       A friend of mine told me that he thought I was too harsh in yesterday's video. This was my response: "I get that you thought I was harsh. And that was my goal. These are harsh times, and the people preaching hate aren't listening to people being calm and sensitive. Do you know how many time I've been called a bleeding heart liberal pussy from the times I've tried being calm and gentle with these people? No. You don't. I've tried playing nice. It didn't work." 
       These people need our help. And you know with the roles reversed, that they would be helping us. 

Thursday 19 November 2015

The one that ended super seriously

     I filmed my most controversial news video yet. It shouldn't be something that's controversial, but I know it will be. I don't want to spoil it, you'll need to watch my video to see why.
     Today was a weird day.
     I didn't get as much accomplished as I wanted, or I feel like I didn't? I got a news show filmed, I sent off emails about Zakitude Consulting, but I didn't get any actual writing done, and that's where the feeling disaccompliment comes from.
     I'm a writer, but so much of my energy today went into different projects (my body and my business) instead of my passion. The days I feel most fulfilled are the days when I realistically get the least accomplished but got tons of writing done. I've probably got too many games going on right now, and I should narrow my focus, but I want all of these to succeed. I probably should focus on one of them until it does succeed, but I'm too nervous to put all my energy behind one project. What if I put all my efforts into one thing and it fails? Then where am I? Probably the same place I am right now...
      I got really mad while filming the news this afternoon. Like, super mad. Filming got intense, and I got emotional. It was a hard thing to film. While searching for a thumbnail just now, I got sad. I sat and looked at all the potential options, my heart slowly breaking.
      The world is standing at the edge of a cliff. There is so much hate floating around right now, that the smallest breeze will push the world over, and we all will fall with it. We can save the world, but it will require all of us. All of us have to stand up to the hate and show it that love is stronger. We cannot let the hate when. We cannot allow the hate to consume the world and bring it down around us.
     Come on people. Stand up. 

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Started Working Out Again

     I started working out again. Today was my first serious work out in about two years, and it feels pretty good. Even the run through blowing snow on somewhat icy streets felt good.
     That said, going for a run with my Scottish Terrier was not my best idea today. She kept stopping to sniff things and I would have to run in place until she was ready to go again. Almost fell a few times too when she decided to stop suddenly while behind me.
     Good times for her, I am sure.
     I was feeling improvements in my flexibility even after this first work out, so I'm excited to see how the progression goes for me! And talking about it in my vlog is a good source of accountability!
     Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a health and fitness blog, I just felt like sharing this. I feel good right now; I'm a little sore, but it's a good sore. I'm already feeling more energetic too!
      Emailed a couple more agents today, still going strong on that front, hopefully I hear from one soon! It would be nice to know that this risk is paying off. I`m sure it will in the long run, but paying bills isn't a long-term thing. It is shockingly short-term.
      If you're enjoying my blogs, please go and subscribe to my youtube channel:
      I post daily vlogs there, a weekly news show, and random special videos about once a month! Please go give me a like on my latest video, and subscribe so you don't miss a thing!  

Tuesday 17 November 2015

My Cat

     I'm going to start with saying that I am truly sorry for missing yesterday's blog post. I went my mom into the city for an appointment, and got back far too late for me to write a good post, and I didn't feel like copying and pasting another section of my memoir. That would've been cheating! Two days in a row!
     My mind is elsewhere right now. My fifteen year old cat isn't feeling too good right now, and with her advanced age, whenever she feels a little under the weather I worry in overdrive. Her health is dominating my thought process right now. She's very important to me. I've had her since I was ten, and she a few weeks old. She has been present for all of my major life events, and has been a constant source of comfort for me.
      I've always had cats in my life, but I've never had one in my life as long as Phantom.
      She came home on my school bus.
      Mom was my bus driver, and one of her favourite kids told her about all the kittens running around their farm. So we, being responsible kids needing to get home and do our homework, convinced Mom that we should stop and check out all the kittens. I didn't pick Phantom, she picked me. She climbed on the bus and decided to come home. And she's been with me ever since. She was the cat we brought down to the lake with us in the summer, the cat that most often slept in my bed. When I went to university, I had a picture of her on my desk (I also had pictures of my friends and family, calm down).
      Phantom is very important to me, and frankly I'm scared to lose her. I'm scared to face life without her. Just thinking about it makes me cry.
     I barely got any writing done today, my mind just couldn't stay focused. This small post has taken the better part of an hour, any serious thoughts of writing are inconceivable (that's the first time I've used that word. And yes, Inigo, I am using it properly).
     Anyways, hopefully I can get some serious writing done tomorrow. Hopefully Phantom is feeling 111% better.

     Oh! I have my first potential client for Zakitude Consulting! Got that email yesterday. That's exciting. 

Sunday 15 November 2015

My first friend, with love and loss

     My question mark is working... who thinks I can go through a whole blog without using i... this is not promising.
     My last two blogs have been fairly serious. One was about narcissism and art, the other was about terrorism and the negative affects upon society that hate has. This one should probably be less serious.
      Maybe I should go with something funny and lighthearted! Technically I should've used a question mark there, but I went for a dramatic effect instead. Don`t question it, I`m an artist.
      Instead of any of that, I am going to share with you a section from my memoir, which is what I am currently writing. The following section is about my first real friendship, and how it shaped my entire life. Ashley was the first person to read it, and she loved it. I hope you all enjoy it as well.

Ashley was my first best friend. Probably my first friend period since we were the same age and neighbours, but saying she was my first best friend doesn’t sound as sad. I mean, I don’t want people feeling sorry for me yet. That’s reserved for future chapters!
Ahem. Back to the topic at hand: Ashley. Ashley was a lot like me. We even kinda looked alike (sorry Ash): wavy light blonde hair, bright eyes, our families dressed us alike, it was uncanny. I have a habit of showing people a picture of Ash and I when we were around three and asking them to point out which one I was. Much to the belittling of my already belittled ego, they often point at Ashley. I’m sure I would get a much different answer with a more modern picture (at least I’m sure Ashley hopes I would), but I enjoy my little game that allows people to take shoots at my fragile male ego.

(this is the picture. I’m on the right. I think)
We were neighbours with her grandparents, and through some stuff that is none of anyone’s business, she often stayed with them. All this time with her grandparents allowed us to spend copious amounts of time with each other. We would run around the backyard, eat cookies, drink lemonade, and everything else proper southern children were supposed to do.
Don’t look at me like that. Nanaimo is pretty south for Canada.
She was always there, and for those few years in Nanaimo, we grew up together. The foundations of who we would become were laid in our time spent together, and it would be evident, years later, that both of our foundations were fairly similar. We would both grow into the people that we are today based on the experiences and lessons we learnt together at that young age. She was my first best friend, she is my oldest friend, and to this day she is still my sister.
On a weird segue from that emotional paragraph, into something which may seem slightly incestuous now: she was also my first kiss. She says I initiated it. I’m pretty sure she did though. I was, and am, a gentleman and a scholar, and would never dream of kissing a lady without her express permission.
I was… three? Sure. We’ll say three. Ashley and I were hanging out in the massive backyard, sitting on one of the Harleys. I was looking fly as hell (as fly as anyone could in the early 90s) with my khaki shorts, white sun hat, and yellow framed shades (possibly the same ones I stared that cop down with). I was sitting in front, it was my Hog after all, and she riding behind. She looked nowhere near as fly I did. It would have been physically impossible for anyone else to look that fly in that close of proximity. Probably would’ve caused an explosion or something. I was looking back her, chatting it up, playing it super cool, when she had the nerve—the audacity!—to lean forward and give me a quick peck on the lips! I was flabbergasted! I was quite literally gobsmacked! She smacked me right on the old gob!
Of course, if you ask her, she will say that I kissed her, and probably a tomes worth of other vile lies about my character. Like that I thought Theodore the Tugboat was cooler than Thomas the Tank. Thomas the Tank for life son! Although… Theodore the Tugboat was pretty ballin’.
My time spent with Ashley was probably the most significant and important part of my early childhood. I’m not kidding about that. After we moved to Gabriola Island in 1994, I didn’t hear from her for nearly fifteen years. This was the 90s. Calling people on a different island was hassle and expensive, the internet was barely public, and even mailing letters was hard to do. So we fell out of each other’s lives.
And for fifteen years I forgot how important she was in my life. How integral she was to my state of being.
 Then, one night in grade 12, I was sitting at my computer chatting with friends on MSN (MSN was like Facebook chat, but way cooler) and Facebook, when I got a friend request and a message from some girl. The message was basically this: “Hey. My aunt says that we knew each other when we were kids.”
Enticing. So I added her, and we began messaging back and forth. As we messaged all the memories came flooding back. The fact that I called her Ash and she called me Yak. The time spent outside in the perennial sunshine of our childhood. The fact that we hadn’t seen or heard from each other in a decade and a half was not a hindrance. We were as in sync as we had been when we were four. We began calling each other, and would just spend hours chatting, catching up on the past fourteen years. My parents and I went out to Vancouver that summer (2008) to spend time with family, and Ashley and I made plans to meet up and hang out for the first time since we were four.
She was still living in Nanaimo at the time, so she came over on the ferry with her grandma, and her aunt (the one that found me on Facebook), and we all reunited at Horseshoe Bay.
I don’t know how to explain that afternoon. When we saw each other, it was as if those fourteen years had never happened. We were as comfortable with each other as we had been all those years before. Our minds were in sync. We made the same jokes. We liked the same kind of pop culture. Listened to the same genres of music. Had the same opinion on all important matters (Harry Potter and Star Wars). We acted the same as each other. We even were dressed in the same colours (honestly, it was not planned).
We were like two sides of the same person. We even liked and disliked the same foods. It was uncanny how alike we were.
We spent that afternoon making obscure pop culture references, and some not so obscure, that neither of our families got, but we understood each and every one.
When I said that those early years laid the foundations of who we would become, I wasn’t being over dramatic, or exaggerating, I was simply stating a fact. We spent almost every day of our toddlerhood together, and then the next fourteen years apart, but when we were reunited we were almost identical. Those first four years of my life were not just the foundation; they were the complete blue print of my life. Everything that I would do, everything that I would come to love and enjoy, everything I am stems from those times spent with Ashley.
Which seems like an incredible burden to place on a four year old.
I felt like a whole person that afternoon. Like all my separate parts were rejoined. That evening, when they had to get back on that ferry, we said good bye. It’s an odd experience having to say good bye to someone that you haven’t seen in so long. Someone who shaped your very being, and then was lost for over decade. How in the cosmic realm is one supposed to say good bye to that person?
With ice cream cones.
Ice cream cones answer most of life’s most pressing and existential questions.
We got ice cream, slowly walked over to the boarding area, and tearfully hugged goodbye with promises to stay in better contact.
Saying other half sounds like I’m being romantic, but that is not the case. I have no memories of my early childhood that do not include Ashley, no important, life defining early age event that did not include her in some way. She was part of me, in the same way that siblings are part of each other.
Ashley is such a fundamental part of who I am, and I don’t know if I’ve ever actually told her that. To be honest, writing this chapter, short as it is, was extremely difficult. All kinds of emotions came into play, and I was flooded with old memories and more recent regrets.
We kept our promise for a while. Texting every day, calling once a week, but life, as it always does, tends to get in the way. Contact began to come more sporadically, it’s always there, but it’s a rare occurrence now. We needed to be in each other’s lives as toddlers, and we needed to be reunited on the cusp of adulthood, and we will eventually need each other again. But for now, we’re just stars in the night sky: always in sight, but never in contact.

Saturday 14 November 2015

About yesterday

     Yesterday the worst terrorist attack on a western city since 9/11 happened. It was a tragedy. For the first hour of the live footage I stood transfixed, my eyes barely leaving the television screen, not even a thought of sitting down. My heart broke for the people of Paris, and for the entire country of France. My heart was aching for those poor hostages inside the Bataclan concert hall, and I almost cried when I heard that most of the hostages were killed. 
     Yesterday was tragedy on a global scale, yet the outpouring of love for the people of Paris warmed my heart. And then all the hate started pouring out of people. I was expecting the hate. I was ready for it. What I wasn't ready for was hearing it come from people that I used to respect. People who I thought understood what it meant to be a decent person. People who were proud Canadians who seemed to forget how Canadians are supposed to act. 
     I know yesterday was hard to process for many people, it was hard for me too. I know that it makes it easier for some when there are people to blame. But where do you get off blaming the attacks on helpless refugees who are fleeing their war-torn country to get away from these kind of acts. These refugees, over half of whom are under 18, saw these kinds of atrocities on a daily basis! They left their country, their homes, to come to the safety and understanding of our supposed civilized western cultures. Instead they have found mistrust, hate, and blame. 
     Because they're Muslim. Because they aren't white. Because they come from a culture that our superior minds can't understand. Because the loudest people in our cultures are (sorry for this) the most idiotic and close-minded. They look at the American media, well-known for scare-tactics and not for reporting the news, and they believe everything they see without actually checking the facts. 
     These people see that a group of people, a significantly small percentage, who call themselves Muslim doing terrible things and these people associate every living person who practices Islam with these radicals. It's stupid. Plain and simple. You don't hear people going around and saying all white Christians hate gays and think they should be killed, because not all of them do. You don't hear people saying that all white people think black people are inferior. You don't hear that all guys want to rape and take advantage of women. 
    Do you know what makes those people different from Muslims? Muslims, mostly, aren't white. 
     We, as people from western countries, have gotten so good at saying "not all Christians", "not all white people", "not all men", we hear these arguments constantly! Whenever a hate group that claims to be Christian does something horrible, everyone rises up and proudly proclaims: "Not all Christians!" Whenever some frat house does something remarkably degrading, or a person gets raped because no one stepped in to stop it, men all across the land stand erect and shout: "Not all guys!" Why do we hear the same fucking argument over and over again when it comes to white people? Because we don't want people to think bad of our culture. A culture which promotes violence, uplifts men for sexual conquests while degrading women for the same, and awards the theft of ideas and culture for your own benefit. 
     Wanna know one culture that does almost the opposite of that? Islam. 
     "For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind." 5:32, of the Quran. These terrorists aren't Muslims. The refugees you're blaming aren't terrorists. They are people begging for help. They are our brothers and our sisters, and they need our love right now. Not our hate. 
      All of you who are preaching hate right now, I need you to look deep into your hearts and ask yourself why? Why would you spread lies and hate about defenseless people? These people have had their homes taken away, and have had their lives ripped out of their hands! 
      When did Canada become so white-centric? When did xenophobia start to rule this country? 
       I am disgusted at my country right now. I used to be proud to call myself Canadian, but I am slowly having my country taken away from me.
      Canada, these refugees need our love and support right now. They need us to be the Canadians the rest of the world remembers. The ones our fathers and forefathers fought and died for. Not this place we are becoming. 
     Yesterday was a tragedy, but the fallout from it is endemic of our culture. Hate and suspicion have replaced common decency. 
     To all those calling to stop the 25 000 refugees from coming into Canada, can you sleep at night knowing that you are condemning those people, 12 500 of which are children, to death?
     I couldn't, but I still have a soul. 

Friday 13 November 2015

Narcissism and Art

     I said yesterday that art and narcissism go hand-in-hand, and I'm here today to explain this probably controversial theory.
     Controversial, that is, to anyone who is not a serious artist, or that invested in the art community.
     Art takes many forms: the various types of painting, sculpting, drawing, writing, poetry, game design, theatre, film, television, etc.. It is all art. What drives all artists, no matter the genre, is the burning belief that they have something to share with the world. They believe that there are people out in the wide world that are interested in what they are creating, and will invest their precious time, and even more precious money, into consuming those creations.
     The average person doesn't think that way. The average person doesn't behave so selfishly to make people spend money on something that could boil down to ink and pulp. But artists do. 
I'm an artist. I believe that there are people who want to read what I write, who want to watch what I film and perform, and I believe that there are people who will experience profound emotions upon experiencing my various works.
     Hell, I'll be extra honest: I know that people will experience emotional revelations from my work.      Because I experience emotional revelations from my work. And if I can experience something like that from the art that I myself have created, I know that other people will. People always experience emotions from something new.
     To be successful in these fields, and I am no where near a success (I will be), you need that undying belief to be able to put yourself in the line of fire. You need to believe that what you are creating is important. Without that belief, whatever you have created will sit on a shelf gathering dust until one of your descendants finds it long after you are dead.
     This insane belief that people want what you're creating helps to deal the stress too, because being an artist, especially at the start of a career, is one of the most stressful things you can do. You know that what you're creating is important and groundbreaking, but is the rest of the world intelligent enough to realize it? Is the rest of humanity advanced enough to realize what is happening? These things are impossible to know until you finally take that leap of faith.
     Devoting your life to your art is a daunting prospect. One that I am facing right now. I know that authors face rejection on a daily basis, I know that many authors struggle for years before they get their first break. Do I have the mental fortitude to do this?
     I'm not a confidant person. I have very low self-esteem. Except when it comes to my work. To my art. I don't give a fuck about what you say about me, but as soon as you mock my art, I will end you. My art is my child. It is what I am proud of in this life. It is what brings me joy. It is what truly allows me to be myself. To be free and escape from the capitalist hellhole that is modern life.
I know that my art is important to the world. I know that the stories I'm going to tell are going to make a difference in people's lives. I know that what I create will be important.
     These beliefs, coupled with the confidence in one's art, is a type of narcissism. A very necessary type. I never argue with people when they call me a narcissist, I simply agree. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Thank you! / How to get one million views!

To be honest, I don't know what I'm doing here.
Like, I don't have an idea for this post. I'm literally just typing and words are coming out. It's like stalling, but digitally.
How many people are actually reading this? and how desperate and needy did that sound?
A million. The answer is a million. Which is how many views this blog will get!

in around a thousand years. Don't get your hopes up John.

I wanna thank you guys, the ones who read this and watch my videos. You guys are amazing and awesome. The only reason that I do this is for you. That and I'm huge narcissist. Remind me to write a post on the relation between narcissism and art. Because there is a huge one. I should know after all.
I'm thanking you, and I'm talking about myself. Typical.
I'm in the process of filming my 30th vlog today! Not my 30th video, that was passed a few days ago, but my 30th vlog! Which is awesome! I never thought I would become a youtuber, and yet here I am. Posting videos on a daily basis, and loving the experience. I would love it way more if more people were watching, but I'll get there. Once I start doing more interesting things... But come on! Who doesn't want to watch the extremely boring exploits of a struggling author who isn't making money? That's entertainment gold right there.
Anyways, I should be writing... 

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Writing a Memoir: Day ?

Ok. So, I am currently writing a memoir.
Which may be insane considering how low the views are on both my vlog and here on my blog. But I'm doing it anyways. Why? Because I am a damn good writer, and some parts of my life may help people with parts of their lives.
How? You ask condescendingly.
Because my life has been filled with a billion ups and downs and twists and turns, you ass. I've been mega religious, I've felt betrayed by the people I've trusted, I've lied to myself about my sexuality and gender, and I've come (in the process) to terms with who I am. No one is more qualified to write this story than I am, and no one wants it published more than I do.
Do you know what the benefits would be to have an asexual author publish their memoir would be? It would bring asexuality into the mainstream. It would educate the masses on its very existence! It would help those poor youth who think they're broken realize that there is nothing at all wrong with them, and my god I would look good on a book jacket. Have you seen some of my selfies? They're basically calling out for a book jacket to call home!
I'm only 4000 words into this thing, and I'm already getting emotional.
And I need to remember to post here. Because this is helpful. And brings in the views. And money? Anyone wanna give me money? No? Okay...  

Monday 9 November 2015

Taking a leap of faith

Ugh. So my life got flipped-turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute--just sit right there!-- I'll tell you how I came to the idea of starting my own consulting firm.
To be specific, a social media consulting firm. For small businesses. In Saskatchewan. And hopefully the rest of Canada, eventually.
Why have I decided to pursue this? Simple, I like helping people. I like social media. And I like the idea of being my own boss. Plus, the start-up fees are not going to be insurmountable.
Today I'm going to expand upon my very basic plan of:
          1. start consulting firm
          2. post ads for free on kijiji
          3. make money
Very basic. Too basic for me to pitch to anyone.
But that's alright.
Because I'm going to fix that.
I've started my day by reading established social media consultants' thoughts and methods of getting started, and it's been very educational. This is going to be a long and hard process, but I'm ready for it. I don't want to take steps backwards in my life anymore. I am ready to move on and forward. I'm ready to create this better future for myself.
I've discussed it with a few of my friends, and they're on board with it, and willing to help me out with it.
I need a name.
I need clients.
I need to build successes with those clients to garner more clients.
I need a laptop with a battery that lasts more than ten minutes...

I can do this. I know that I can. 

Friday 6 November 2015


I assure everyone who read my last post and misconstrued it, that I am not contemplating suicide. It was a stream of consciousness piece dealing with all the stressors in my life right now. Nothing more. I apologize to those who took it the wrong way, or read too much into it. I did not mean to cause you worry.