Saturday 14 November 2015

About yesterday

     Yesterday the worst terrorist attack on a western city since 9/11 happened. It was a tragedy. For the first hour of the live footage I stood transfixed, my eyes barely leaving the television screen, not even a thought of sitting down. My heart broke for the people of Paris, and for the entire country of France. My heart was aching for those poor hostages inside the Bataclan concert hall, and I almost cried when I heard that most of the hostages were killed. 
     Yesterday was tragedy on a global scale, yet the outpouring of love for the people of Paris warmed my heart. And then all the hate started pouring out of people. I was expecting the hate. I was ready for it. What I wasn't ready for was hearing it come from people that I used to respect. People who I thought understood what it meant to be a decent person. People who were proud Canadians who seemed to forget how Canadians are supposed to act. 
     I know yesterday was hard to process for many people, it was hard for me too. I know that it makes it easier for some when there are people to blame. But where do you get off blaming the attacks on helpless refugees who are fleeing their war-torn country to get away from these kind of acts. These refugees, over half of whom are under 18, saw these kinds of atrocities on a daily basis! They left their country, their homes, to come to the safety and understanding of our supposed civilized western cultures. Instead they have found mistrust, hate, and blame. 
     Because they're Muslim. Because they aren't white. Because they come from a culture that our superior minds can't understand. Because the loudest people in our cultures are (sorry for this) the most idiotic and close-minded. They look at the American media, well-known for scare-tactics and not for reporting the news, and they believe everything they see without actually checking the facts. 
     These people see that a group of people, a significantly small percentage, who call themselves Muslim doing terrible things and these people associate every living person who practices Islam with these radicals. It's stupid. Plain and simple. You don't hear people going around and saying all white Christians hate gays and think they should be killed, because not all of them do. You don't hear people saying that all white people think black people are inferior. You don't hear that all guys want to rape and take advantage of women. 
    Do you know what makes those people different from Muslims? Muslims, mostly, aren't white. 
     We, as people from western countries, have gotten so good at saying "not all Christians", "not all white people", "not all men", we hear these arguments constantly! Whenever a hate group that claims to be Christian does something horrible, everyone rises up and proudly proclaims: "Not all Christians!" Whenever some frat house does something remarkably degrading, or a person gets raped because no one stepped in to stop it, men all across the land stand erect and shout: "Not all guys!" Why do we hear the same fucking argument over and over again when it comes to white people? Because we don't want people to think bad of our culture. A culture which promotes violence, uplifts men for sexual conquests while degrading women for the same, and awards the theft of ideas and culture for your own benefit. 
     Wanna know one culture that does almost the opposite of that? Islam. 
     "For that cause We decreed for the Children of Israel that whosoever killeth a human being, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind." 5:32, of the Quran. These terrorists aren't Muslims. The refugees you're blaming aren't terrorists. They are people begging for help. They are our brothers and our sisters, and they need our love right now. Not our hate. 
      All of you who are preaching hate right now, I need you to look deep into your hearts and ask yourself why? Why would you spread lies and hate about defenseless people? These people have had their homes taken away, and have had their lives ripped out of their hands! 
      When did Canada become so white-centric? When did xenophobia start to rule this country? 
       I am disgusted at my country right now. I used to be proud to call myself Canadian, but I am slowly having my country taken away from me.
      Canada, these refugees need our love and support right now. They need us to be the Canadians the rest of the world remembers. The ones our fathers and forefathers fought and died for. Not this place we are becoming. 
     Yesterday was a tragedy, but the fallout from it is endemic of our culture. Hate and suspicion have replaced common decency. 
     To all those calling to stop the 25 000 refugees from coming into Canada, can you sleep at night knowing that you are condemning those people, 12 500 of which are children, to death?
     I couldn't, but I still have a soul. 

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