Thursday 17 December 2015

Global Family

     I am so behind on these posts omg. I am so sorry. Honest.
     I do have a topic today, it was inspired by a comment a friend of mine made last weekend. I had a quick phone call from a friend of mine from New Mexico (which I forgot, and said she was Cali (sorry)), and after the call another friend asked me why I talk to people all over the place. It's a valid question, and I'm going to go into it here.
     I have friends all over the globe: US, Norway, UK, South Africa, UAE (mostly in Dubai), Australia, Italy, and scattered over other places in Europe. I talk to most of those people on a daily basis. We're important to each other, and have a role in each other's lives. Can be as simple as just a check-in to deep conversations about life to offering encouragement during the dark and confusing times.
      But that doesn't answer the core part of that question. Why do I have friends in other countries? We live in a world where we can instantly connect with people thousands of kilometers (sorry, miles) away. It is amazing and something that should be taken advantage of! And contrary to what some think, being connected to these people through digital means does not take away from the relationships we have with those geographically close to us. We live in a world filled with opportunities, anything we want to do, to create, we can. But it takes connections, it takes networking. I used to hate that thought. I hated that I had to know people to get things done, but now I see it as something beautiful. Networking and connections don't have to be impersonal. You can be friends with the people in your "network", and when they're your friends they aren't just a network of people anymore. You've made your network something more. You've made it into a family that wants to help you, instead of just a list of people you can try to ask for things.
      In the past to be successful you had to be well-liked and respected (or feared if you're a dick) in a certain radius, but now you can successful all-over the globe, and have your next door neighbour not even know your name. We live in this strange paradigm where millions of people know who you are, where you can be a household name in Europe, but in your home country people from the next town over haven't even heard of you.
      This makes it sounds like I talk to all these people out of selfishness, but that's not true. I started talking to all these people for reasons that basically boil down to the fact that I wanted more friends. I didn't want a network, or connections, I wanted a more global family. Everywhere we look these days we see hate. And that makes me so sad, and in my attempt to be a more global citizen I've made friends all over the globe. Could these relationships benefit me in a more businesslike manner in the future? Yes. Is that what they're for? Hell no.
      I guess the basic answer is simply because I want to. I want to have friends in other countries. I want a global family.
      And now I have one. And if any of you are reading this, and you should be, I love each and everyone of you. Even if I haven't said it directly. Thank you for your encouragements, and for being there for me. You are all amazing and wonderful people.  

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