Wednesday 23 March 2016

Standing Together

       Humanity sucks sometimes. It really does. Just look at the past couple months. Hell, just look at yesterday! But I'm not talking about big gestures of humanity's ability to be terrible, I'm talking about the small moments that hurt my heart far more than the big things do. I believe humanity can become better. I believe we can move past all this, but until that happens, my heart will continue to break every day.
      You may be asking what brought this on, and that is a valid question. Today I found out about a youtuber by the name of TommyNC2010. He has autism, and he started making videos because he wanted to entertain people and bring some joy and happiness into the world. Those are admirable goals. Then another youtuber, a bigger one by the name of leafyishere, found Tommy's channel and decided to make fun of it and him. In the video leafy called Tommy names and mocked him. Soon after the video came out Tommy, and his family, began receiving death threats from leafy's fans. Tommy released an absolutely heartbreaking video of him in tears explaining that he had no idea what was going on, but that he was scared for his life and his family because of this. Leafy has since taken down his video attacking Tommy, saying he didn't know all the details like the fact that Tommy is autistic. A lot of big tubers have come out in defense of Tommy, including Philip DeFranco (who also started supporting Tommy through Patreon and urged his fans to do the same), and Tommy has gained almost 100 000 subscribers since this happened.
       Honestly, it shouldn't matter that Tommy has autism. Leafy has made his following from attacking other people on YouTube. Scrolling through his videos, you find attack after attack. He claims that it's all satire, but real satire doesn't lead to the people you're mocking receiving fucking death threats! Leafy has made his entire subscriber base off of hate and straight up bullying. So what he feels bad this time just because it turned out that Tommy has autism. How many of the other people he mocked were dealing with shit? How many of those other people, who may have been getting death threats, were depressed before leafy decided he needed a few more views?
      In our modern society it is far easier to make a career of mocking people than it is to make one of uplifting people, and that's absolutely terrifying. This mindset has created a society where Donald Drumpf is a serious contender for the presidency. This mindset has created a society where people like leafy can make a career off of mocking other people simply because they're different, or don't fit his particular paradigm of life. A society where people like Tommy who are just trying to make other people smile receive death threats for that.
       Tommy, if you ever read this, you are awesome. You keep going strong man! I've watched a few of your videos, and I've subscribed. You are making the world happier and better. We need more people like you right now.

You can find Tommy's channel here:
and can find his patreon here:

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