Friday 18 March 2016

On writing

       To write is to impart pieces of your soul onto the medium. With each word one is giving the opportunity to peer within the writer's mind. With every word, the reader learns more about the writer. With every stylistic choice, a writer displays their morals and their values. Writers, more than most, bare the entirety of their souls. Anyone in the world can read what is written and have intimate knowledge of the writer.
      To be a writer requires a sort of courage, and to be a successful writer it requires self-sacrifice. To be successful one has to bare their entire soul for the world to see. What the world actually sees of this, is up to them and their intuitiveness.
      The prospect of writing is a daunting one. The idea of going full in and exposing your true self to the entirety of existence is intimidating! It should frighten everyone. That is why there are many people who write, yet so few writers. It is easy to pick up a pen and throw some meaningless words down on paper! Words soon to be forgotten, yet words nonetheless! A writer pours themselves into their words. A writer gives themselves completely over to the words, and loses themselves in them. A writer loses much in the pursuit of writing. They can lose their friends, their family, their sanity--but to a writer these are all acceptable losses. And they are temporary losses. During this time of metamorphosis from person to writer the true person is revealed, and as they are revealed, so too are their true friends and family.
       Writing is a process that takes time and dedication. Writing is art, and as all artists know, art takes years and years of practice. Even those naturally gifted in art take years and years to reach their peak. Writers can write for decades before they have a single publication, and even then, that doesn't mean that they are successful, but writers carry on. Through every setback, a writer will get back up and carry on.
       "But how," you cry, "can we know a writer's true voice when it changes from piece to piece?" The same way you know your friend's voice even when he is using a different tone, or speaking to someone else! All the different tones and styles a writer uses are simply showcasing the different voices they use in their day to day lives. A more laid back tone signifies the writer is at ease, and that the topic is casual, while a more serious and collected tone signifies something of import!

       Or, much more likely, the writer is simply bored and had a wish to sound pretentious. 

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