Monday 14 March 2016

A Better Tomorrow

      I had a discussion recently about whether or not humanity can better itself, or if it's destined to burn in the fires of its own making. Scientifically speaking, the Earth will burn up with the death of our star, but that's not for five billion+ years. Humanity seems to be in a pretty bad place right now: civil wars, riots, race crimes, terrorism, Donald Drumpf. Just watching an hour of news can be enough to crush the human spirit and believe that we, as a species, are doomed. The news always focuses on the negative though, there are positives out there! Humanity is slowly making things better. The key word there is "slowly"! A lot of people can't see that because we like our changes to be instant and flashy! Not slow and methodical.
       Equal Rights activists scored a major victory this past year with marriage equality becoming federal law in the States. Canada is becoming the beacon of peace and unity that it is known for again with the election of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The Human Rights crisis that are the Syrian refugees are being taken in and accepted by countries all over the world, in spite of the fear and hate mongering of ignorant people. Governments all over the globe are coming together to fight climate change. The word of scientists is becoming stronger than the words of corporations. China is becoming more open to western culture. Michael Bay has said the next Transformers will be his last one as director. The world is looking up. Humanity is well on its way to bettering itself.
       My generation, the often made fun of millennials, are actively trying to make the world a better place! Every day, people from my generation, people who are called lazy and entitled by previous generations, are going out and putting their lives on the line for those less fortunate. Every day millennials are going to other countries to do charity work, to build schools, to dig wells, to do whatever they can to help. We are actively trying to fix the previous generations mistakes. We are marching in the streets to support causes as diverse as #BlackLivesMatter to marriage equality. We are marching in the streets to show support for the common people. We, as a generation, are more accepting of others than previous generations, and if this positive trend continues, if we instill our beliefs and morals into the next generation, step by step the world will become a better place.
        For every story the news shows of a small group defacing a mosque or attacking someone for being different, there are dozens of unreported stories of the people that come and help. Of the people who are showing love. There's a military town in Alberta where a mosque was defaced. The windows broken, and the words "Go home" spray painted multiple times on the building. Two men were responsible for that act of hate. The majority of the community, including military personnel, showed up to help repair the broken windows and clean off the vandalism. People, throughout the day, stopped by the mosque with homemade posters saying "You are home" and messages of love and acceptance. The evil people in this world are outnumbered by the good. The world is becoming a more accepting and loving place. Change is a slow process, it always has been. It took 12 million years for the Grand Canyon to form, we can't expect the change in humanity to happen over night.
        I am sticking with this fight. I believe in the inherent goodness of humankind. I can't let the evil win. I cannot stand by as people get hurt by hate. Because love will always defeat hate in the end. This isn't a pointless fight. Humanity is not doomed to destroy itself. Nothing is predestined in life. To everyone reading this, if you are sitting silent in this fight, stand up and let your voice be heard! Do not remain apathetic when the very future of our species in on the line. Stand up and fight for humanity. Fight for the change you want to see. The change will happen. It takes time. But it will happen, so stand up and be a part of it. Lend your voice, lend your strength and courage, and be a part of this. No matter how alone you feel when you stand for a cause, know that you are not alone. Every movement, every change, starts with one person, one voice. Once people hear that voice, many more will stand up.
       I'm standing up, I'm fighting for a better tomorrow, for equality for all humanity. Are you going to join me? 

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