Wednesday 2 March 2016


As a person living on this planet, I have been paying attention to the American election. At first it was amusing and humorous, but lately it has moved on to become downright terrifying. At first I was confident in my belief that Donald Drumpf (#MakeDonaldDrumpfAgain) would never even become the Republican nomination. Now I'm scared because he actually stands a chance at becoming President. You can have the belief that the POTUS doesn't have any effect on us here in Canada, but you are so wrong. This man is insane. And he could possibly become the leader of the strongest military on the planet. He would have access to nukes people! NUCLEAR WEAPONS. That would be very, very bad for the entire planet!
There have been a lot of comparisons drawn comparing him to Hitler, and yeah, they totally have merit. I could go on a big rant, but I'm going to allow this quote to do it for me:
None of that excuses autocracy or fascist leanings. “Trump [sic] isn’t Hitler” isn’t a defense; it’s an excuse—a way of letting Trump [sic] get as close to the line of actual fascism without stepping over it. If we let him close to that line he will, like a toddler, slip a toe over, then a foot, to test us and see how far he can really go. We shouldn’t have to wait for someone to go full Hitler to recognize a danger to our system of government.
Besides, even Hitler wasn’t “Hitler” when he was running for office in 1928 and 1932. He hadn’t yet brought down democracy in Europe, started the most catastrophic war in all history, and murdered millions. He was just a powerful orator who knew how to connect with everyday people—mainly by exploiting their fears and anxieties over economic dislocation, racial tension, and their belief that they just didn’t win anymore. He wanted to help make Germany great again, and Germans agreed. The rest is history.
The quote comes from this article. It’s a good read.
            The whole world right now is watching the States with bated breath. The whole world sees what and who Drumpf is, and is hoping and praying that Americans don’t elect that man. That Americans, who didn’t want to fight Hitler in the first place, don’t create the next one. It is objectively terrifying. The man is a racist bigot! He has made disparaging remarks about every demographic that doesn’t include white males. Hell, he said he wouldn’t even condemn the goddamn KKK without some more research. Because the KKK are so unknown and unheard of. And people agree with him! Enough people that he actually stands a chance of winning! My god. Was World War II that long ago that people don’t remember or care how it started? Because it started exactly this way! A bigoted man running an election campaign. I know history repeats itself, but come on! It hasn’t even been a century yet!

            There have been lots of comment floating around about Americans moving to Canada if Hitler—sorry—Drumpf gets elected. You know how you stop that? YOU GO AND FUCKING VOTE AGAINST HIM! Don’t just say you’ll move if he gets elected! Actively try and stop his election! Vote against him! Spread the information that discloses his lies around! Talk to people! Show people how he really is! GO OUT AND DO SOMETHING! You have that power. You have the right and responsibility to vote. Use it.  

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