Friday 15 April 2016

The Inherent Need for Feminism

       Yesterday's post was heavy, right? Hard stuff. Strong words. I probably said a bunch of things that made a bunch of people upset. I'd apologize, but the people I upset are most likely the ones I was speaking out against, so what's the point? I love my country. I love what my country stands for. And I believe that the people in it can be and will be better. That said, let's talk about another big issue: feminism.
       I have said in previous posts that I am a feminist, and I stand by that statement. I am 100% a feminist. I believe it is something that the world sorely needs. That being said, there are a lot of people these days speaking out against it saying that egalitarianism is the better option. But by shutting down feminism and saying something else is better, aren't you really proving that feminism is still something that is needed? Telling women that their fight for equality is wrong and that they should be fighting for egalitarianism seems a little hypocritical. Egalitarianism, for those who don't know, is the idea that all peoples should be equal. Kinda seems like feminism is one of those steps towards an egalitarian society. Yet tons of self-proclaimed egalitarians are shutting feminists down, which is exactly why I still label myself as a feminist. I want a society where everyone is truly equal, and I believe feminism is one of the steps towards achieving that. From what I have experienced, most egalitarians are using their beliefs to tell women that they don't have it that bad in comparison to some other people so they should just quit their bitchin'. Intentional word choice is super intentional. The thing is, feminists are fighting towards equal rights for everyone, where it seems that egalitarians (the ones that I have met mostly white males from North America (I know personal experiences are anecdotal at best, but it's all I have)) are basically just saying everyone has it bad, so what does it matter? I am a white male-type person, I know that I have it easier than other people. I've seen it first hand, and it bothers me!
        It truly baffles me how people claiming to want equal rights for everyone can hate on a group that is also fighting for equal rights! I had a person try to mansplain egalitarianism to me in a truly demeaning way that was supposed to question my intelligence! There was one problem (there were a bunch, but), he misspelled egalitarianism every time he said it. Worse, it was a different mistake every time. Suffice to say, my intelligence was not greatly shaken.
        I say this again and again, but the fact that so many people take offense to, and argue against, feminism shows exactly why we still need it. People decry it and say that the information being put forward is false. I am unashamedly a feminist, not an egalitarian. I want equal rights for all people. I want people to paid the same as each other for the same job and experience. I want people to be treated the same while on the job, be they male or female! Feminism is the first of many steps before true equality. Egalitarianism is trying to fight an entire war at once instead of one battle at a time. Feminism is one battle. If we focus on one battle we can win. If we focus on the entire war and not the individual battles we will lose. We can only fight on so many fronts at once.  

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