Monday 8 February 2016

Positives in the Negatives

      I turn 26 today. Not a milestone, not a significant anniversary of my birth, just 26. I always feel weird on my birthdays, especially the last few years, like I haven't accomplished anything and that I have this emptiness inside my soul that can be filled by...something.
      This year is different though. I have my channel (on which is being published my first skit today!), I have my writing (which is actually being published and all that fun stuff), and I have my role in the asexuality community. All these things are basically filling that emptiness I used to feel on a regular basis. That said, I am still feeling slightly alone this year. I'm working and staying in the city, so all of my friends and family are an hour and a half to two hours away, which makes driving to celebrate on a Monday, kind of a bad idea. Everyone would be tired, and it would be a pretty short night as we would all need to get ready for work the next morning. And so, for the first time, I am celebrating my birthday with no one. On the actual day, I've got stuff planned this weekend with friends and my sister on Saturday, and my parents on Sunday. It feels odd though. I'm sitting at my desk, on my birthday, with very little to look forward to tonight.
      That said, there is a new episode of The X-Files on tonight, which I never thought would happen again after the series ended (ish) in 2002, so that's nice. And I've got the stuff to make a killer Caesar salad sitting in my fridge waiting for me. So, positives. 

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