Wednesday 17 February 2016


      Okay. My 100th vlog is coming up pretty soon and I want to do something cool to celebrate it. Like hit a million subscribers (brb laughing break), or attain true inner peace and happiness (brb crying break). Crazy pipe dreams aside, I do want to celebrate this significant milestone. I have some semblance of a plan, but I don't think it's enough. I want something BIG. Maybe not physically big, but emotionally. Mentally. Something significant and important. I mean, it's 100 vlogs guys. That is big. It is significant. It means I stuck with something for a long time. And vlogging on a mostly daily basis is not something small. It's time consuming. Setting up shots, going through all of the raw footage to find stuff that's actually good, and then editing and uploading! It's time consuming. Let alone the emotional commitment (took me a solid minute to think of the word "commitment") involved. Everyday I am putting myself out there for the entire world to see. Everyday I am leaving myself open to ridicule and hate. Every video I publish has the ability to destroy my ego. Plus people give you really weird looks in small towns when you whip out a camera to film everyday stuff.
        All that boils down to this: vlogging is hard. Emotionally, mentally, physically. Day in and day out I am putting myself in the cross hairs of the public. Everyday I worry that maybe someone will dislike my videos enough to do something about it. But, vlogging is fun. Everyday I'm challenging myself to do something new. To try something. And everyday I am creating something new, something that had never existed before I created it. And as an artist, that feeling of daily new creation is worth all the risks.
         My 100th vlog is going to be a risk, no different from the others. It will be something new. It will be mine. I want my 100th vlog to be special. My 50th vlog was, my 2015 reflection was, and my 100th will be. That said, I need your help. Yes, that's right: your help is needed. I want you to send me things that you want in my 100th vlog. Pictures of us together, pictures of you by yourself, a poem, a video, questions, a song. Whatever it is, I want it to be special to you, and have a tie to me. Obviously. It's my vlog. Has to do with me somehow. If all goes to plan, my 100th vlog will be going live on March 3rd. That means I will be filming and editing it on the 2nd, so if you're going to submit something, it needs to be before March 2nd.
          I will throw an email address down for you below to submit to, you can also submit stuff at my tumblr, or Facebook. The email isn't my personal one, it's a business one (heh, business). Honestly, I would prefer through email, but any of those will work.

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