Friday 5 February 2016

Blips on a Radar

      Life is a series of blips. Stick with me here. Have you ever watched a radar before? It's a lot of emptiness broken by the occasional blip.

this kind of radar
not this Radar

What I mean by this isn't something negative or pessimistic, I tend to think of myself as an optimist first and foremost, I simply mean that expecting life to be non-stop happenings (adventure) is misguided, and very unlikely to happen. Life is a lot of empty space (normal days) with the occasional blip (exciting event) to break up the emptiness (uniformity) of existence.
      Again, this isn't something negative! It's just an observation. I know a lot of people who get worried, myself included, that they don't do enough exciting things! That their life is just simply average, and not the adventurous lives that they see played out on television! I do that too. I look at TV shows, and films, and books, and I am envious of the lives my favourite characters live! I wish that I could be the swashbuckling hero, or the brilliant scientist that somehow has both an amazing social life and is respected by their peers! Instead, I have the life that I live, and I get disappointed in it. I shouldn't be. My life's alright. I have a roof over my head, I have a job, I'm writing and getting paid for it, I have people who love me. And yet whenever I compare myself to fiction I get disappointed. As do a lot of people. Apparently human nature involves forgetting that fiction is fake! Fiction is not there to show us realistic and reasonable goals! No no! It is there for an escape only! To make us forget about how horrible ordinary real life actually is! 
      It is for those blips on the radar, that  we suffer through the emptiness. If everyday were full of blips, we would yearn for the emptiness. Because if everyday were an adventure, then adventures would become the normal. They would become the emptiness. 
      That's the true flaw of humanity: the miraculous becomes boring if we see it too often.  

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