Wednesday 6 July 2016

We heal by love: A poem

                A man was killed last night by those sworn to protect, yet we argue and bicker over the details of a past we know nothing about.
                People argue against hate while hating those who hate others, can’t the hypocrisy be seen?
                We stand up for a better tomorrow, while casting shade on those who disagree.
                We cry at the unjust killing of another, while calling for the death of those responsible.
                Violence begetting violence.
                All the world knows.
                Shouldn’t we be better than our primal natures?
                Or is that all we have left?
                Are we more than what we were?
                Or are we just what we were?
                A man was killed and we blame the person who pulled the trigger—
                Not the system that allows this
                Not the company that makes the gun
                We blame the person.  
                We get mad and we scream and shout.
                We cry for justice
                                                But do we want justice or just revenge?
                So easily confused.
                So easily differentiated.
                People always screaming for justice, while their hearts silently beg for vengeance.
                “Vengeance is mine,” sayeth the Lord.
                “I am the Lord,” sayeth man.
                Who are we to judge and execute
                Who are we when we put ourselves on a higher pedestal?
                We judge ourselves better than those who judge themselves better than those
                Where’s the line?
                Where’s the difference?
                How can we change the world when we cannot change ourselves?
                We want to survive so we stay the course.
                Goin ‘gainst the current is how we drown
                So the current takes us where it wants,
                Washing up on foreign shores,
                We do what we know.
                We do what we need to survive.
                Some of us have guilt so black we take every stand
                Just to wash away some of it
                Just to sleep at night.
                Some of us need to be seen, so we take every stand
                Just so people know us
                Just so we can feel good.
                Some of us have been hurt so bad, we lash out at every stand
                Just to feel something
                Just so other people know how much we hurt.
                Some of us just hate everyone who isn’t us
                So we think they’re lesser
                So we hurt them.
                Some of us are just good, so we take every stand
                So we can help
                So we can make a difference.
                We need to heal each other.
                We need to help each other.
                We heal by educating
                We heal by giving back

                We heal by love. 

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