Friday 8 July 2016

The Land of the Free

                Once upon a time there was land whose people thought they were free and just. Every day, they would march and shout about how wonderful life was in their great land. To them, they were the pinnacle that the rest of the world was trying to reach! To the rest of the world however, they were simply a lesson in how not to be.
                Every day news stories came out of this land of people being murdered simply because of who they were born as. Every day new accounts came forth about discrimination and hardships. Every day more and more people became scared to leave their homes. And every day the people of this land went out and shouted to the skies about how great, just, and free they all were.
                Every time an unarmed person was killed, the voices would cry: “If only they had been armed!”
                Every time an armed person was killed, the voices would cry: “If only they had not been armed!”
                They would cry these out, yet never could they see the irony of their words.
                “We are the land of freedom!” They would say to any who would listen, all the while ignoring those who could not leave their homes out of fear.
                “We are the land of opportunity!” They would shout, all the while ignoring those who could not get work because of who they were.
                “Everyone is equal here!” They would boast, all the while the system systematically oppressed those different from them.
                Whenever the world would say, “We think you have a problem with weapons,” they would assure the world that was not the case!—as they stood on the bodies that died that day.
                Whenever the world would say, “You’re not as free as you think you are,” they would scoff and laugh!—as the oppressed grew more and destitute behind them.
                “What a great land we are,” they would think as they invaded other lands for their own gain.
                “Surely the whole world loves us and looks up to us!” They would think as the rest of the world pulled away in fear.
                The whole world would watch in sick fascination whenever this land would choose its leader. Always hoping the next one would somehow fix the problems, yet always knowing that the problems would never disappear.
                It was truly confusing to the world how a land so filled with hate and mistrust could boast about freedom and equality. Where had the people of this land ever actually seen freedom and equality? Or had those concepts become so warped and diseased that the people living there actually thought themselves free? Could they be that deluded? In a land where the protectors killed innocents in front of children, in a land where the protectors killed children, how could they call themselves free and equal? In a land where those of different colour were treated as second class, in a land where who others loved determined their value, how could they call themselves free and equal?
                Every day news of new tragedies would come out of this land, and every morning the people would come out and boast about how wonderful everything was.

                And the world watched as this land burned down around the people. 

Ten points to whoever can guess what country this is about! It's gonna be suuuuuuuper hard. 

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