Thursday 16 June 2016

A serious talk that starts with a Monty Python quote

                In Monty Python’s classic film, The Life of Brian, there is a line in the closing musical number that remarks: “Life’s a piece of shit/When you look at it”. Which can be far too true for most people, and if the song had ended there, it would’ve been a depressing reminder of the futility of existence! But the song doesn’t end there, it goes on to say: “Always look on the bright side of life,” then there’s a jaunty bit of whistling to lift the spirits. You could say that it’s always easy to look on the bright side when stuff is working out, and you would be right! But the people singing this song (dozens of them) are all in quite the predicament! They’re all being crucified. Yet they’re still trying to look on the bright side of things!
                I know, I know, this is just a movie by a British comedy troupe. There wasn’t actually a dude named Brian that everyone thought was Jesus, and dozens of people being crucified definitely didn’t have time to sing a jaunty tune (they were too busy being in excruciating (see the connection? CRUCIfication:exCRUCIating) pain. But the message is still valid! Even in the most terrible and horrible and painful of times, there is still light! There is still goodness even in times of horrific evil! We just need to find it. And that can be so hard! Especially with how the world is today; the media/news always focuses on the bad stuff going on, and never on the good. Whenever a tragedy strikes the media focuses on the death toll, and not the numbers of people going out of their way to help. Yes, the death toll is important, but so are the people helping.
                A remarkable thing happened after the Pulse shootings: people started coming out publically. People who had been scared to come out their entire lives, people forced into the closest by family or religion, people who have been abused and attacked because of their sexuality or gender; all of these people started coming out. They saw this tragedy strike at the heart of their community, and they knew they had to do something. The bravery that it must have took to come out after something like this boggles my mind. These people, through their direct actions, showed those who want to hurt us and keep us down, that we cannot be kept down. That we will continue to fight for our right to exist and love no matter what happens! And that we will fight with love! not hate.
                When I came out, there was no tragic even to spur it on; I simply came out because I was ready. These people came out to show strength and to give hope. I had tears in my eyes as I looked at all their beautiful faces. I felt pride swell in my heart as I read their stories. For many of them, coming out was a selfless act: they only did it to spread hope and love. That these people are doing this is an amazing and wonderful thing.

                Yeah, life is a piece of shit when you look at it. You just gotta find that bright spot. It is there, it might be buried, it might be hidden, and sometimes it’s right in front of you.

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