Tuesday 21 June 2016

Summer Feelin

                My blogs have been pretty serious in nature the last while, not that that’s a bad thing!, but today I’m going to step back a little. It’s the first official day of summer! And the longest day of the year! For my readers closer to the equator, this really isn’t a big deal for you, but for us Northern types, it means that every day after this is getting shorter and shorter leading to the inevitability of winter and the long night. I, for one, am not ready to bow to the Night’s King, I want to remain a summer child, and taste the Dornish wines. This turned into Game of Thrones references fast. Wow.
                Speaking of Game of Thrones, how good was last night? That ending. Damn. Best thing since Joffery’s death, or just best thing ever? I’m leaning towards ever, to be honest. Look! No spoilers!
                Summer is a great time of year. The sun is out, you can go outside without a huge jacket, you won’t die by freezing, you won’t die from hitting a patch of ice, you won’t die from wolves coming down from the north, you won’t get frost bite and die. Basically summer is great and winter tries to kill us every time we walk out the door. Moving on.
                I love summer because I love going outside. I love going for a swim in the lake, which I should totally do on Friday, I love camping, I love sitting outside after dark just staring at the stars. Most of all, I love the freedom that summer represents. You want to go for a long walk? In the summer you can do that without worry! You want to go to some random city or town? There’s probably something going on there that weekend! You want to be outside all day, go for it! Summer lets us be free, and reminds us what it is to be human.
                All of my fondest adventures and stories come from summer, and all of my scary and horrifying ones come from winter. Just saying.
                The way your skin feels when you walk outside on a sunny day. The lingering touch of the heat, and the wondrous caress of the gentle breeze that keeps it from being too hot. The gentle grass, cooling your bare feet as you walk, smiling, aimlessly about. The nigh-religious experience as you take a sip of ice cold water and it slowly trickles down the back of your throat, cooling and refreshing you from the inside out. Plummeting towards the surface of the local lake, feeling the water embrace you as you break through the surface tension, the bubbles bubbling up your spine, tickling you. Raising, refreshed, from the depths, a smile plastered on your face before you even surface. The feel of your ice cold glass coolly held in your trembling hand after a hard day’s labour outside. The refreshing feel of sweat on your brow. The rejuvenation you feel as you step into a cold shower. The ease of conversation as you sit under the stars. The easy smiles as you drive with the windows down and music blaring. Camaraderie and oneness with everyone you meet as you walk down Main Street. The joyful licks and kisses from an overjoyed dog. The world in full bloom, full of colour and wonder. This is summer.

                Happy summer everybody. Hope yours is fantastic. 

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