Wednesday 15 June 2016

Feelings of empathy

When one moves forward from certain traumatic events, one feels an emptiness (sometimes described as numb) within themselves. The death of a beloved pet or family member, a friend leaving, a break-up, anything like that can be traumatic depending on the circumstances. Those are all easily understood; you see a person who just went through something terrible, and you expect them to feel sad. What is harder to understand is when someone gets that empty feeling when bad things happen to other people. Your best friend breaks up with someone and you cry with them because you are feeling just as sad. For those you don’t experience strong empathy, this can be a hard concept to understand.
“It didn’t happen to you, why are you upset?” Is a question empathetic people hear all of the time. It’s an annoying question, and worse it’s a rude and belittling question. Obviously the person crying is upset, you bumbling moronic ass! Just because you don’t understand why, does not give you the right to question it!
I bring this up today because I’m still feeling empty from the shooting at Pulse. I didn’t know anyone there, as I’ve previously stated, it’s a place I’ve never been to; on the surface, there are no reasons for me to be as upset as I am, and definitely no reason for me to have been as upset on that day. On the surface. You dig down a little and you can find a whole host of reasons. The feelings of family within the community, the shattered feeling of safety, the sudden and massive display of hate towards your minority group. All of these are valid reasons to feel empty inside. I’m not saying any of this to validate my own feelings, I know my feelings are validated, I’m saying this to all of those who don’t know if it’s okay to still feel sad or scared. It is. It is one hundred percent okay.
Just a short post today, because this doesn’t need many words. You are okay, how you’re feeling is okay, and you will find something that fills that emptiness. It could take a long time. It could be gone today. Whenever the emptiness goes away is okay. You are all wonderful people.

Love to all. 

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