Thursday 7 January 2016

mixed ramblings followed by excitement

       I don't know what to write about today, and I don't want to cop out and just post a short story that I wrote a while ago. I need to write something new and fresh! I was going to write something about the funeral yesterday, but nothing really seemed right. 
      Winter is finally coming into full swing here. It's only -8 today, but tomorrow is supposed to dramatically drop all the way down to a brisk -30. Add that to all the snow we're getting, and it appears to actually be winter. Oddly enough there are a lot of people who are happy with this news! Personally, I am disappointed. I had grown fond of this mild winter, globally warming be damned (tbh, I was actually pretty frightened about the fact we weren't cold yet)! That said, I guess I just need to bunker down and actually zip up my jacket when I go outside now. 
     So... newleaf airlines starts flying in February, and I am super excited about this! Why you ask? Because a normal flight from Saskatoon to Vancouver costs around $500, and that's with a sale and needing to switch flights, but with newleaf that flight is only going to cost $178. And it's a direct flight. Flying out to see family used to have to be something that was planned out and saved for because it wouldn't be worth the cost to fly out for a weekend! Now, with newleaf, flying out to Vancouver for the weekend is something plausible! And it would honestly cost about the same as driving to Saskatoon for the weekend. 
      This isn't an ad, or a paid sponsor, but I honestly intend to use this new service to its full extent! And if newleaf were to offer me a sponsorship deal to fly around Canada and film stuff for them I would totally accept that offer... just putting that out there. 

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