Tuesday 22 November 2016

Love in the face of darkness

There is a lot of turmoil in the world right now. A lot of people are eagerly waiting for 2016 to end, after it has brought us tragedy after tragedy. And yeah, it has been a pretty rough year with the constant celebrity deaths, Brexit, Trump, DAPL, and everything else. There a lot of angry and hurt people right now, and I can’t blame them. I’m angry and hurt too. Every time I read the news I find something else that upsets me. Here in Canada, I can pretend to be apart from all the problems, I can easily bury my head in the sand and say that these global issues won’t affect me.
      I know it’s a lie, but it is a nice lie.
     The truth isn’t as nice. The truth is hard and heavy. All these events have global ramifications. And we all have the responsibility to admit that and understand that. To the South we have a rebirth of fascism and a resurgence of racism. To the East we have one of the oldest powers in the world slowly crumbling under the weight of its own failings. Just passed that, we have Russia casually sticking their fingers into multiple pots, watching the reactions and waiting. The Middle East is continuing to be the battleground it’s been for generations, and North Korea has upped their blustering.
       We can try and pretend that things are not as bad as they seem, but that would be a lie. Things are bad—no, they’re terrifying when one actually thinks about it. There’s a president-elect who has been officially endorsed by the KKK and the Kremlin. The American police are brutishly attacking peaceful and legal protestors—including one young woman who may be facing amputation from the police’s “non-lethal” methods. When we live in a world where protestors can lose limbs from the police’s non-lethal methods, we really need to reconsider…well, everything.
          Our ancestors fought for our freedoms and against tyranny in two brutal world wars. They sacrificed everything so we wouldn’t have to deal with a dictator taking away our freedoms, and we have repaid them by democratically electing a person who idolizes dictators and ran on a platform of hate. We owe it to everyone who fought and died in the world wars to stand up right now. We owe it to them to stop all of this before it escalates any farther. They fought and died so that everyone would have peace and freedom. They fought to liberate the Jewish people, and now their progeny want to get rid of the Jewish people. We have unprecedented numbers of people openly calling for white supremacy, and many of these people are so-called Christians who have apparently forgotten everything Jesus ever said.
        The point of this is not to depress or anger, although I can easily see how it could do both. We need to stand together. History has shown that we can defeat Nazis through force, let us show future generations that we can defeat them through unity and love. We as a people are better than this, we know our history and we should not be repeating it. We need to stand together against hate. We need to show the Neo-Nazis taking over America that their ideals are not the ideals the modern world has been built upon. We need to stand together and show Russia that bullying isn’t something that we will tolerate. Together we can prevail against the darkness invading our societies. Together we can show that love and acceptance is the proper way to go.
       There has been a lot of bad this year so much that it seemingly overshadows the good, and it is okay to feel that way. So much has happened this year that it can be hard to keep track. Dozens of major terror attacks in Europe and the Middle East. The Pulse shooting. Natural disasters. Ebola. Zika. The deaths of so many influential people. Suicides in Northern Canadian communities. Things seem so dark right now, and a lot of people are saying this is the worst single year in history. Honestly, I’d almost be inclined to agree with them.
        There has been good this year as well though! There have been countless medical breakthroughs! Endangered species have seen population growth! Worldwide crime has dropped, even if that’s hard to believe. Disparate groups have banded together to stand against ISIS. Tens of thousands of people took to the streets to support Black Lives Matter. This year, hidden by the thicket of bad, we have shown solidarity. In the dark, we have stood together to shine our lights.
        Together we can bring down the darkness. The fight will not be easy, and it will not be over quick. Things are bad, and they may be bad for a while yet, but as long as we stand together in love and unity we can prevail.
       To the Christians reading this, Jesus taught that when struck on one cheek to turn the other one towards the striker. He leaves what to do next vague, but remember what happened when he found the vendors in the temple: he chased them out. All these Neo-Nazis and Fascists are vendors infringing on the temple trying to corrupt the holy. Chase them out, and stand with all your brothers and sisters: the Muslims, the Jewish people, the queer community, the Black community, the Latin community, the Asian community, the disabled community, and everyone else that has been hurt by hate this year. “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Too many forget what Jesus considered to be the second most important commandment. It’s time to remember.
       To those of other religions reading this, stay strong and stand together.
       To the atheists reading this, remember to practice love and acceptance to all.
      We will win. Love will trump hate. Love and peace to you all.

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