Tuesday 7 February 2017

Standing Guard

I am saddened by the Canada I see before me. I see a plethora of jingoistic thought, and a disregard for core Canadian virtues. Scrolling through both social media and more traditional media exposes one to a growing “Canada First” perspective, and it breaks my heart. Canada has never been about putting Canada first; it has always been about putting people first. More specifically, it has always been about putting all peoples first. We, much like our southern neighbour, are a nation that was built by immigrants and refugees, and this jingoistic talk dishonours all Canadians who came before us.
Canada, first and foremost, stands for helping others. By picking up those who are knocked down, we pick ourselves up. Canadians have always stood for helping others. If something bad happens in a community, that whole community rises up—hell, the whole country rises up. Right now, the world is at a crossroads. Entire countries are in flames, with many more close to ignition. We are on the brink, and as a country we have two choices: continue to be the country the rest of the world knows us to be, or close ourselves off and lose what it means to be Canadian.
Those choices have ramifications for the entire world. If we stay open and accepting, we save the lives of thousands and maybe millions. We close ourselves off and we condemn millions to death. That’s what the choice boils down to: are we saviours or are we killers? To the Canadians who are clamouring to not let refugees in, are you so willing to become complacent in their deaths? Because I couldn’t sleep with that much blood my hands. To the Canadians who think we should be more like the States, have you even read the news lately? Have you looked at what they are becoming? We, as a country, are taking in people from the United States right now who are seeking asylum. And you want to become more like that country? Shame on you.
“What if we let them in and they’re terrorists?” Well, history says that’s not likely. And the last terror attack on Canadian soil was committed by a Canadian. A white Canadian. Not that I should have to make that distinction, but in today’s world apparently I do. The refugees we’ve welcomed into Canada have been nothing but thankful. And most of Canada has welcomed them with open arms. I believe that most of Canada still upholds Canadian values, and that it is just a vocal minority that is expressing these anti-Canadian sentiments.
Canada is, and always has been, a country that welcomes all with open arms. That is the Canada I stand on guard for. The True North, strong and free.

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